2019-03-08 - The Challenges of Rural Reform in Colombia - Discussion at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington D.C.

On Friday, March 8th, 2019 an event discussing "The Challenges of Rural Reform in Colombia" took place at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington D.C. The Event was co-sponsored by the United States Institute of Peace.
Representing the Institute for Agricultural Law, as part of the German-Colombian Peace Institute (CAPAZ), Prof. Dr. José Martínez was present as speaker and Dipl. Jur. Lukas Helfrich as participant.
The roundtable served as an exchange on the current state of the peace process in Colombia, whose elementary components are also agricultural issues, in particular land distribution and landdisplacement.
Other speakers were Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, Academic Director of the CAPAZ , Mr. Steve Hege, Senior Expert for Colombia at the United States Institute of Peace, and Ms. Natalia Ruiz Morato PhD, a Woodrow Wilson Center Fellow in the Global Sustainability and Resilience Program and the Latin American Program. The event was moderated by Cynthia Arnson, Latin American Program Director at Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D.C.