In publica commoda


Migration and the Future of Europe

Title of the event Migration and the Future of Europe
Series CeMig Lecture Series
Organizer Centre for Global Migration Studies (CeMig)
Type of event Podiumsdiskussion
Category Forschung
Registration required Nein
Details In the aftermath of the European election in May 2019 this panel discussion sheds light on the role of migration in the European (des)integration process and in the reconfiguration of Europe’s borders and citizenship. Migration scholars and practitioners debate Europe’s struggle to (commonly) respond to the challenges and opportunities of global migration processes: What role has migration played in the election campaigns? Considering migration politics how are national or party coalitions changing? What shift and continuities are there in Europe’s border regime and migration control practices? What are recent and possible future amendments to asylum law?

Panel discussants:
Dr. Enrica Rigo - Faculty of Law, Roma Tre
Bernd Kasparek - Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology, University of Göttingen
Karl Kopp - Head of the Europe Department of Pro Asyl

Dr. Lars Klein - CeMig & Euroculture, University of Göttingen
Date Start: 17.07.2019, 16:15 Uhr
Ende: 17.07.2019 , 17:45 Uhr
Location Verfügungsgebäude (Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7)
VG 4.102
Contact 0551 3925358
External link
File attachment CeMig - Lecture Series SoSe 2019.pdf