ENTRY - Internationalization and growth of renewable-energy organizations

This research project investigates various factors influencing the international performance of firms. The main focus of the project is on how international performance is impacted by

    1. strategic decisions related to foreign market entry and
    2. the choice of foreign partner firms and the design of inter-organizational relationships.

These factors are investigated in consideration of the institutional environments (e.g., cultural and legal conditions) of given host countries. The empirical background is the internationalization of German companies in the renewable-energy industry.

Head: Prof. Dr. Indre Maurer
Responsible: Dr. Dominik Chahabadi, Dr. Clarissa E. Weber

Exemplary Research Publications:

  • Weber, C.E.; Chahabadi, D.; Maurer, I. (2020). Antecedents and performance effect of managerial misperception of institutional differences. Journal of World Business, 55(1): 1-18.

Logo JackstaedtThis project receives funding from the
Dr. Werner Jackstädt-Stiftung