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Ammer C, Schall P, Gossner M M, Heinrichs S, Boch S, Prati D, Jung K, Baumgartner V, Blaser S, Böhm S, Buscot F, Daniel R, Goldmann K, Kaiser K, Kahl T, Lange M, Müller J, Overmann J, Renner S C, Schulze E-D, Sikorski J, Tschapka M, Türke M, Weisser W W, Wemheuer B, Wubet T, Fischer M (2017) Waldbewirtschaftung und Biodiversität: Vielfalt ist gefragt. Allgemeine Forstzeitschrift/Der Wald 72 (17): 20-25

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Del Rio M, Pretzsch H, Ruız-Peinado R, Ampoorter E, Annighöfer P, Barbeito I, Bielak K, Brazaitis G, Coll L, Drössler L, Fabrika M, Forrester D, Heym M,Václav H, Kurylyak V, Löf M, Lombardi F, Madrickiene E, Matovic B, Mohren F, Motta R, den Ouden J, Pach M, Ponette Q, Schütze G, Skrzyszewski J, Sramek V, Sterba H, Stojanovic D, Svoboda M, Zlatanov T, Bravo-Oviedo A (2017) Species interactions increase the temporal stability of community productivity in Pinus sylvestris-Fagus sylvatica mixtures across Europe. Journal of Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12727

Dirnberger G, Sterba H, Condés S, Ammer C, Annighöfer P, Avdagic A, Bielak K, Brazaitis G, Coll L, Heym M, Hurt V, Kurylyak V, Motta R, Pach M, Ponette Q, Ruiz Peinado R, Skrzyszewski J, Srámek V, de Streel G, Svoboda M, Zlatanov T, Pretzsch H (2017) Species proportions by area in mixtures of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). European Journal of Forest Research 136: 171-183

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Farwig N, Ammer C, Annighöfer P, Baur B, Behringer D, Diekötter T, Hotes S, Leyer I, Müller J, Peter F, Riecken U, Rudolph A, Thorn S, Werk K, Ziegenhagen B (2017) Bridging science and practice in conservation: Deficits and challenges from a research perspective. Basic and Applied Ecology 24: 1-8

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Forrester D, Tachauer H, Annighoefer P, Barbeito I, Pretzsch H, Ruiz-Peinado Gertrudix R, Stark H, Vacchiano G, Zlatanov T, Chakraborty T, Saha S, Sileshi G (2017) Generalized biomass and leaf area allometric equations for European tree species incorporating stand structure, tree age and climate. Forest Ecology and Management 396: 160-175

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Müller J, Brandl R, Brändle M, Förster B, Araujo BC de, Gossner MM, Ladas A, Wagner M, Maraun M, Schall P, Schmidt S, Heurich M, Thorn S, Seibold S (2017) LiDAR‐derived canopy structure supports the more‐individuals hypothesis for arthropod diversity in temperate forests. Oikos 127:814–824. doi: 10.1111/oik.04972

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