Dr. Alexandr Railean


I am passionate about computers and technology since early childhood. Throughout the years, I have developed an interest in cognitive psychology and nowadays I likes to hang out at the intersection of these fields (occasionally wandering into adjacent areas). I graduated from Technical University of Moldova and my current research focus is usable privacy in the Internet of Things. I have a decade of experience as a computer security software engineer and 6 years of lecturing at my alma mater and abroad.

Research interests

  • Privacy
  • Usability
  • Internet of Things


  • A. Railean. Improving IoT Device Transparency by Means of Privacy Labels. Doctoral dissertation, University of Göttingen, 2022. [LINK]
  • A. Railean and D. Reinhardt. Improving the Transparency of Privacy Terms Updates. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Privacy Forum (APF), 2021. Acceptance rate for full papers: 21%. [PDF]
  • A. Railean and D. Reinhardt. OnLITE: On-line Label for IoT Transparency Enhancement. Proceedings of the 25th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems (NordSec), 2020. Acceptance rate for full papers: 33%. [PDF]
  • J. Quintero, A. Railean and Z. Benenson. Acceptance Factors of Car Insurance Innovations: The Case of Usage-Based Insurance. Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering 8(2):45-55, 2020. [LINK]
  • A. Railean and D. Reinhardt. OnLITE: Online Label For Internet of Things Transparency Enhancement. Proceedings of the Open Day for Privacy, Usability and Transparency (PUT), 2019. [PDF]
  • A. Railean and D. Reinhardt. Let there be LITE: Design and Evaluation of a Label for IoT Transparency Enhancement. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI Adjunct), 2018. [PDF]
  • A. Railean and D. Reinhardt. Life-long Privacy in the IoT? Measuring Privacy Attitudes Throughout the Life-cycle of IoT Devices. Privacy and Identity Management. The Smart Revolution, 2018. [PDF]