In publica commoda

lernen lernen

Learning in a student context has a different structure to learning as most people have experienced and practiced it at school. Student learning is above all self-regulated learning. This means that knowledge as well as strategies and methods for organizing oneself (one's own learning and work) are basic prerequisites for successful studies. On this page you will find ideas, impulses and methods of what this can mean in various areas.

  • Motivation, resources and environment

    In principle, motivation, resources and the environment should be harmonious; these are the foundations of successful learning and working processes.


  • Self-organisation

    The area of self-organization includes everything that has to do with one's own knowledge, thinking and thus controlling one's own learning and working behaviour (metacognition): Time planning, structuring material, checking and readjusting one's own plans.


  • Learning strategies and techniques

    On this page you will find information on different types of learning, as well as concrete suggestions for methods.


In each of the three categories you will find materials and tips in exactly this area. If you are unsure where to start in your particular situation, take the learning checkup

Further offers

In addition, there are university-wide courses available to help you reflect on and adapt your own learning behaviour. Every semester, the ZESS offers a range of courses in the ‘Knowledge and Self-Competences’ teaching area to help you develop your learning and independent working skills.

The Central Student Advisory Service also offers a wide range of services to help you study successfully.

The Studentenwerk's Social and psychosocial Counselling Service (PSB) is a place to go if you studying or exams become a strain. Among other things, it offers courses on time and stress management as well as materials on mindfulness, procrastination and much more (german).