Objective (Subject)Transpiration and growth of European beech exposed to intra- and interspecific competition under drought stress (subproject from “Digital Forest”)
ContentForests are undergoing drastic and mostly irreversible changes induced by more frequent heat waves and drought events associated with climate change, a major environmental threat. The project “Digital Forest” will develop a near real-time forest monitoring concept for predicting major impacts of climate extremes. It includes measurements on Growth and transpiration which are physiological indicators of tree vitality. In order to deepen the understanding of functional mechanisms behind tree reactions to drought and to examine how this response depends on tree size and competition, we will use high-resolution stem increment sensor (DRS 26) and sap flow sensors (SFM 4) installed on 24 trees of 3 species (Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, and Acer pseudoplatanus), to record long term experimental data., by exploring the interrelations between ecophysiological responses and structural stand properties.
Appropriation period15.03.2021 - 14.03.2024
Funded byVolkswagen Foundation and the Federal State of Lower Saxony
PartnersUniversity of Leipzig, Department Bioklimatologie and Department Spatial Structures and Digitization of Forests, University of Göttingen, FORUM WISSEN Göttingen
Persons in chargeLaura Somenguem Donfack
PublicationsSomenguem Donfack L, Schall P, Mund M, Knohl A, Ammer C (2023) Effects of competition reduction on intra-annual radial growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) at stem base and crown base. Trees – Structure and Function 37: 435–447. DOI:10.1007/s00468-022-02360-7

Donfack L S, Röll A, Ellsäßer F, Ehbrecht M, Irawan B, Hölscher D, Knohl A, Kreft H, Siahaan E J, Sundawati L, Stiegler C, Zemp D C (2021) Microclimate and land surface temperature in a biodiversity enriched oil palm plantation. Forest Ecology and Management, 497, 119480. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119480