How do different levels of information influence the behaviour of donors?
Study "Charitable giving: The role of framing and information" by Claudia Keser, Hartmut Kliemt and Maximilian Späth
Prof. Dr. Claudia Keser (Chair of Microeconomics), Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kliemt (Chair of Behavioural and Institutional Economics, University of Giessen) and Dr. Maximilian Späth conducted a study to investigate how different levels of information influence the decisions of donors who are entitled to freely distribute a fixed amount of money between themselves and a non-profit organisation, both in the context of giving and receiving. Participants donate significantly higher amounts when the decision is described as taking rather than giving. However, this effect decreases when more information about the charity is provided.
The study "Charitable giving: The role of framing and information" has been published in PLOS One: Read more (external link)