Responsible Innovation

Responsible Innovation - the concept of an enlightened, responsible innovation activity of economic actors (individuals and organisations) forms the overall guiding principle of the Faculty of Business and Economics in research and teaching. Our research focuses on the sovereign, even decisive actor, e.g. as consumer or entrepreneur. These individuals drive development and change processes in order to find and implement novel solutions to social problems. The model of the enlightened individual has effects on various levels, namely on the institutional, market, business and economic levels as well as on the global economic level. These effects are the subject of the research activities of the Faculty of Business and Economics. The faculty bundles its versatile, interdisciplinary research activities in three main areas: "Governance and Compliance", "Marketing and Consumer Science" and "Global Change and Development".


The Stephan Klasen Fellowship of the Faculty of Business and Economics

In 2019, the Faculty of Business and Economics, together with the Presidential Board of the University of Göttingen and the Faculty's Development Economics professorships, established the "Stephan Klasen Fellowship" on the occasion of the Farewell Lecture by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Stephan Klasen, Ph.D. With this award, the Faculty honours the development economist's great commitment to young researchers and to development economics in Göttingen as a whole.
