ThermoFisher Scientific 253 Ultra

The 253 Ultra is a new generation high-resolution double-focusing gas-source isotope ratio mass spectrometer.


Thermo MAT 253 and 253 Plus mass spectrometers (O2 and CO2)

The MAT 253 and the 253 Plus are the workhorses in the stable isotope lab. We exclusively use these gas-source isotope ratio mass spectrometers for the high-precision measurement of triple oxygen isotopes in silicates and oxides.


IR-laser fluorination (δ17O, δ18O; silicates and oxides)

Application fields for high-precision triple oxygen isotopes range from cosmochemistry to paleoclimatology. We utilize an automated laser fluorination line to prepare O2 gas from silicates and oxides for high-precision measurements of δ17O and δ18O. This preparation line is connected to our two gas-source isotope ratio mass spectrometers. Thanks to full automation, we can process approximately 15 samples per day.


Thermo KIEL IV and Finnigan Delta Plus (δ13C, δ18O of carbonates)

The combination of the Kiel IV sample preparation device and Delta Plus gas-source isotope ratio mass spectrometer is used for routine measurements of δ13C and δ18O carbonate samples.

KIELIV and DeltaPlus

Aerodyne TILDAS laser spectrometer (δ18O, δ17O of carbonates)

The newest addition to our laboratory is a tunable infrared laser differential spectrometer, which measures the triple oxygen isotope composition of CO2 gas by analyzing its absorption spectrum. Our custom-built inlet system allows the mixing of the sample CO2 with a collision gas for peak broadening and enables rapid changeover between the sample and reference measurements. We commonly achieve an external precision of 7 ppm in ∆17O for carbonates or air CO2.


Neptune Plus

The ThermoFisher Scientific Neptune Plus is a multi-collector inductively plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICPMS) equipped with a ‚jet interface’ for enhanced sensitivity. Nine movable Faraday collectors can be paired with a selection of amplifiers, ranging from 1010 to 1013 Ω. Our Neptune Plus is fitted with a multi-ion counting (MIC) array as well as a central RPQ filter and a discrete dynode multiplier that allows simultaneous detection of low-intensity beams and that yield a dynamic range spanning nine orders of magnitude (from sub aA to 5 nA). The instrument is used predominantly for high-precision isotope ratio analysis in solution mode (Teledyne Cetac Aridus 3) but can also be connected to a Resonetics Resolution M50 laser ablation system.



The ThermoFisher Scientific Element2 is a single-collector, high-resolution magnetic-sector inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer for multi-element trace analysis. The fast-scanning mode and a flat-top peak geometry allow the measurement of transient signals and isotope ratios. The system is equipped with a variable slit system yielding discrete mass resolutions of R = 300, 4000 and 1000, which can be used to eliminate most poly-atomic spectral interferences encountered in geological sample matrices. The dynamic range spans about eight orders of magnitude (up to ca. 108 cps) allowing the analysis of analytes ranging from pgL-1 to ngL-1. The instrument is predominantly used in combination with a Resonetics Resolution M50 laser ablation system but can also be operated in solution mode for specialised trace element analysis by multi-element isotope dilution.


Resolution M50 laser ablation system

The Resonetics Resolution M50 Laser ablation system is equipped with a 193nm ArF excimer laser (Coherent COMPex). Its optical system comprises variable, discrete spot sizes ranging from 5 to 250 μm with round or rectangular shapes. Its features a small volume Laurin Cell S-155 that can accommodate standard-sized mounts, thin and thick sections as well as larger sample sizes of up to several centimetres in diameter. The laser is routinely operated in energy constant mode (with a maximum output of 80 mJ) in conjunction with our ThermoFisher Scientific Element2 for multi-element trace analysis as well as U-Pb isotope analysis in silicate materials and oxides. For better signal stability, the laser aerosol is first passed through a squid-type sample splitter before being introduced into the ICP source. The microscope can be operated in reflected and transmitted light.



The ThermoFisher Scientific iCAP-Q is a benchtop, quadrupole inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer used for multi-element trace analysis. It is equipped with a helium kinetic energy discriminator (He KED) and a collision-reaction cell that allow the reduction of isobaric interferences and the enhancement of background equivalent concentrations. Our system is used predominantly in solution mode, linked to an ESI SC-FAST autosampler that allows the efficient sample analysis but can be linked to a Resonetics Resolution M50 laser ablation system.


Triton and MAT 262

The ThermoFisher Scientific Triton is a thermal ionisation mass spectrometer (TIMS) equipped with nine movable Faraday collectors that can be paired with nine 1011 and one 1012 Ω amplifiers. It is used for the isotope ratio analysis of analytes with low ionisation potential/low evaporation temperature or for elements that are affected by isobaric interferences, and that cannot be measured by ICPMS methods. It is housed in a dedicated temperature stable laboratory (< 1°C/day) for high-precision isotope ratio analysis.


Argus VI

The ThermoFisher Scientific Argus VI is a static vacuum gas mass spectrometer for the high-precision determination of noble gas isotope ratios. The system is equipped with five faraday detectors linked to 1011 Ω amplifiers and is optimised for the simultaneous collection of Ar masses (36 to 40). Other noble gases (Ne, Kr and Xe) can be measured by adjusting the acceleration voltage. Our system is coupled to a self-built, large-volume gas extraction line for the analysis of Ar isotopes in low-T clay minerals.

Argus VI

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

Our PANalytical AXIOS-Advanced X-ray fluorescence spectrometer is used for the determination of major element concentrations on fused glass discs of geological matrices. The instrument is equipped with a SST mAX-4-kW rhodium target X-ray tube and seven, mostly laterally curved monochromators (PX-10, LiF 220, InSb 111, Ge 111, PE 002, PX-8 and PX-1). Flow-, scintillation-, and sealed Xe-counters are used and pulse-height selection is applied to reduce interferences from higher order spectral lines and background noise. Artificial glass discs are prepared by fluxing the samples (lithium-metaborate and –tetraborate flux) is a fully automated fusion system (Schoeps SGE 21).


Clean room suite

Our metal-free, ISO class 6 clean room suite houses five ISO class 3, fully-extracted vertical laminar-flow workbenches for the ultra-low blank preparation of geological samples. Each bench is equipped with two electronically-controlled thermal digestion units for sample dissolution using hot acid attack methods and for acid evaporation. Two additional ISO class 3 laminar flow stations are used for tapping of ultra-pure water (Merck Millipore Milli-Q), lab ware drying as well as the distilling of ultrapure acids (five closed-system Savillex DST-1000). An extraction-only workbench comprises four large electronically-controlled and temperature-limited hotplates for the final stage cleaning of lab ware. The suite also comprises a balance room as well as an additional tabletop workspace and cupboards for sample preparation and the storage of lab ware.
