Application Documents
The application for admission includes:
- an assurance from the applicant that
a) no intermediaries for the purpose of identifying promotional opportunities in return for payment were switched on,
b) in connection with the doctoral examination procedure and its preparation, neither fees were paid nor services provided in return for payment, nor services were used free of charge that contradict the purpose of an examination procedurec)
c) the right to examination still exists,
d) there are no reasons to justify the withdrawal of the doctoral degree assets.
- a privacy policy.
The following documents must also be enclosed with the application for admission (see above) in accordance with § 4, Admission Rules and Regulations (Ordnung über besondere Zugangsvoraussetzungen für den Promotionsstudiengang Sozialwissenschaften (PDF in German)):
a) Degree certificates (Bachelor's and Master's certificates and transcripts or, if applicable, other degree certificates (Diplom, Magister, etc.)); if a degree certificate is not yet available, a certificate of completion of the degree programme, the work completed, the credit points (credits) as well as the average grade and the underlying grading system must be submitted. For documents that are not written in German or English, a certified translation, either in German or English, must be enclosed.
b) a declaration (form to download) stating whether the applicant has successfully completed or not completed a doctoral programme or a doctoral procedure (dropout or change of study location) or is likely to complete it;
c) a curriculum vitae in tabular form in German or English, stating the applicant's date and place of birth, nationality and academic background;
d) a confirmation of supervision (This is a written declaration by a member of the Faculty of Social Sciences who is authorised to examine doctoral candidates in the Social Sciences doctoral programme, stating that he or she will properly supervise the applicant in the event of admission as a doctoral candidate.);
e) an exposé with information on the topic, research problem, state of research and objective of the research project, the methodological approach and a work plan (see guidelines for the exposé (PDF)) as well as a positive statement on the exposé by the first supervisor (this can be integrated into the confirmation of supervision)
if the final grade of the Master's degree or an equivalent degree is at least good (2,5 in the German rading system) and no exposé is yet available, an outline of the research project with a provisional title and a statement by the first supervisor on the content of the outline submitted, which also states that the submission of a final exposé is approved.
(In this case, the exposé must be submitted within six months of enrolment in the doctoral degree programme (cut-off period) and enrolment in the doctoral degree programme is conditional until then.);
f) if applicable, proof of German or English language skills (only for foreign students).
Please submit all required application documents in one PDF document by e-mail to the following e-mail address by the deadline:
Once we have received your application, you will receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail. The Graduate Committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences will review your application documents shortly after the application deadline and decide whether you can be admitted (possibly with a condition). You will receive a corresponding notification by post.
IMPORTANT: If your contact details change during the application process or after enrolment, please inform the Office of the Dean of Studies immediately.
Martin Ertelt
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 26540
Fax. +49 551 39 26542
37073 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 26540
Fax. +49 551 39 26542
Office: Oec 1.112
(appointment upon consultation)

Annegret Schallmann
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 27159
Fax. +49 551 39 26542
37073 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 27159
Fax. +49 551 39 26542
Office: Oec 1.116