The Göttinger Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde e.V. (Göttingen Anthropological Society) is a sponsoring association which has set itself the task of supporting the Ethnographic Collection of the University of Göttingen both materially and non-materially and of anchoring it more firmly in the consciousness of the population. Especially in today's world with its intercultural dynamics and nationalistic isolation, the teaching and research collection offers an opportunity to promote tolerance and respect for non-European cultural traditions and to reduce the fear of the supposedly foreign.

1. Chair: Hans Reithofer

2. Chair: Christiane Falck

Treasurer: Petra Schnüll

Recording Clerk: Udo Mischek

Extended Board: Margarete Kiang, Gundolf Krüger, Isabel Pagalies, Wolfgang Kempf

Within the scope of our possibilities, we support lectures and other events, special exhibitions and publications, and the expansion of and work on the collection.

The Göttinger Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde addresses itself to all who have an interest in anthropology. Take part! As a member you will be informed about current events, have free access to the collection and to all events (special exhibitions, Sunday guided tours, Sunday matinees, etc.), and receive the publications of the collection at a reduced price.


Am 5. Juni trafen sich die GGV und der Freundeskreis Kunstsammlung der Universität Göttingen zu einem gegenseitigen Kennenlernen im Auditorium. Eingeladen hatten Dr. Anne-Katrin Sors, Kustodin der Kunstsammlung, und Dr. Michael Kraus, Kustos der Ethnologischen Sammlung. Nach der Begrüßung durch die beiden Vorsitzenden – Dr. Ulrich Nauber und Dr. Hans Reithofer - wurden wir fachkundig von Tanita Engel und Mira Blunk durch die Ausstellung "Ethnographica in der Kunstsammlung - Anthropomorphe Holzschnitzereien aus Afrika" geführt. Beim anschließenden kleinen Umtrunk gab es Gelegenheit, Pläne für weitere gemeinsame Aktivitäten zu schmieden. (Fotos von Martin Liebetruth)


In February 2024, the GGV organized the event 'Between Hell and Paradise – Indigenous Life in Brazil' together with the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology and the Ethnographic Collection of the University of Göttingen and the Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker. On February 7, anthropologist and journalist Dr. Ulrike Prinz reported on the realities of indigenous life in Brazil, which have been strongly influenced by the gold rush of recent years. With a focus on life in the territories of the Yanomami, Munduruku, Kayapó and Mehinako, Ulrike Prinz talked about the difficult situation in which indigenous people find themselves in (Photos: Christiane Falck, February 7, 2024).

On 02 June 2023, as part of the GGV event 'Caution Trap! Anthropological Research in Kiribati...', Dr. Wolfgang Kempf talked about his recent fieldwork on the atolls of Tabiteuea, Nonouti and Onotoa, where he is working with his interlocutors on unpublished tape collections of Gerd and Sigrid Koch from the 1960s. Turning from the intangible cultural heritage to a material side stage of his research, Dr. Wolfgang Kempf presented the Göttingen Ethnographic Collection with a moray eel trap he was able to acquire in Kiribati. Following the exciting lecture, there was a small reception on the institute's balcony (photos: Hans Reithofer und Christiane Falck, 02. June 2023).

On 01 July 2022 the GGV received an exclusive guided tour through the recently inaugurated Forum Wissen. Being an association that supports the Ethnographic Collection, we were especially curious to learn how objects of the Ethnographic Collection are presented together with objects from other university collections and what ideas frame the exhibition concept (Fotos: Christiane Falck, 01. Juli 2022).

On 03 December 2021 our members had the opportunity to visit the Oceania exhibition of the Humboldt Forum (HUF) in Berlin, where impressive boats represent the outstanding navigational and boat-building skills of Pacific Islanders. Specialists of the HUF's Oceania division as well as of the media and interpersonal mediation section engaged with our group in stimulating conversations. Our members received further the chance to try out the new, and in December 2021 not yet publicly available, augmented reality application. (photos: Wolfgang Kempf, 03. December 2021)