Sara Mardini - Gegen den Strom

Film screening followed by discussion:

21th September 2023, 8pm (CEST), Venue: Lumiere (Geismar Landstraße 19, Göttingen)

About the Film:
After her own flight from Syria, Sara Mardini begins to volunteer on Lesbos and therefore gets arrested in Greece in 2018. She is being accused of serious crimes such as participating in a criminal organization for which she faces over 20 years in prison. After being released on bail after four months in pre-trial detention, Sara awaits her trial. Charly Feldman follows her and her fight for justice.
As part of the ENLIGHT Summer School "EU border regime(s) and the shrinking spaces of solidarity", the Center for Global Migration Studies of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen together with the Lumière will show the documentary Gegen den Strom which is about the human rights activist Sara Mardini.

About the ENLIGHT Summer School:
The ENLIGHT Summer School is designed to provide a forum for students to discuss interdisciplinary and critical understandings of contemporary migration policies. A particular focus will be on European control and governance and its violent and discriminatory border regime. In addition to the abrogation of the rule of law at borders and to the violence against migrants and asylum seekers, practices of resistance and the role of activism in scholarly engagement with European border policies will also be considered. Especially here the Summer School ties in with Sara Mardini and the many cases of strategic intimidation of activists and the criminalization of humanitarian aid as a deliberate part of European migration policy.

The film will be shown with German subtitles, the discussion will be in English and German. Admission is free.