Frank Achtenhagen awarded the Ernst Christian Trapp Prize 2020

Prof. (em.) Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Frank Achtenhagen has been awarded the Ernst Christian Trapp Prize 2020 of the German Society for Educational Science ("Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft") (DGfE) in recognition of his scientific life's work. The prize is the highest award of the DGfE and Frank Achtenhagen is the first business educationist to receive it. From 1971 to 2007 he was Professor of Business Education and Director of the Seminar for Business Education at the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Statement from the laudatory speech:
"Frank Achtenhagen has rendered outstanding services to educational science in general and to business education as its special discipline in particular. He is nationally and internationally one of the most renowned scholars in business education, who has always understood how to increase the visibility of business education as a discipline with an independent profile and thereby help educational science to gain high attention and recognition both scientifically and educationally."

Professor Achtenhagen's complete curriculum vitae and a complete list of his publications can be found here.