Personal Details

Between 2011 and 2014 Tomas Zekas absolved his bachelor degree in Economics at Georg-August University and completed his studies by writing his thesis on “Limitations of the National Debt in the Case of the Federal Republic of Germany – Causes, Effects, Perspectives”. He continued his academic career at Georg-August-University and began master program in International Economics. During graduate school, he also studied abroad at Moykolas Romeris University in Lithuania. His master thesis examined economic policy objectives and their accessibility within a monetary union. In April 2018 he received the degree “Master of Arts”.

During his studies, Tomas Zekas gained work experience as lecturer within the labor market project “ADELANTE! Göttingen”. He has also worked as a freelancer in the field of communication for several years. Furthermore, he was able to gain initial work experience in client consulting as part of a trainee program.

From June 2019 to March 2020 Tomas Zekas worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Marketing and Retail Management.