Foliar diseases in maize

Ocurrence and importance of foliar diseases in maize in Central and Northern Europe

In the last decade the acreage of maize increased continuously in Central Europe which is related to its high yield stability and diverse range of use. Maize produces high biomass yields and hence evolving as the main bioenergy plant, which further boosted its cultivation. This in consequence lead to more intense maize production in certain regions with narrowed maize rotations. Together with projected climatic changes, it is very likely that maize diseases will become more significant.

The objective of this work is to ascertain leaf diseases like Exserohilum turcicum, Bipolaris zeicola, Kabatiella zeae and others in Central Europe. Furthermore the importance of the different pathogens and related yield losses will be studied in different regions of Central Europe.

Intensification of maize cultivation

Fig.1: Intensification of maize cultivation (increase of acerage, closer crop rotations)

: M. Sc. agr. Lucia Ramos Romero

Supervisor: Prof. Andreas von Tiedemann