Plant Pathology and Crop Protection

Plant Pathology and Crop Protection


Our research interests are focusing on the epidemiology, pathogenesis and integrated control of fungal diseases in oilseed rape, cereals and other crops (phytopathology, phytomedicine). We are also addressing abiotic disorders of plants induced by environmental stress and physiological effects of fungicides on plants. Our specific interests are on the disease epidemics of fungal pathogens in plant stands and crop production systems, resistance mechanisms in plants and phenotyping methods for resistance screening.


In the frame of lectures, practial courses, seminars and excursions comprehensive knowledge in the diverse subdiciplines of plant pathology and crop protection is transfered. Students of both BSc and MSc programs may choose 3 mandatory and 11 elective modules intended for providing solid knowlege in plant pathology and crop protection. Modules on concepts of integrated crop production, biology of plant pathogens, control mechanisms of pesticides and their use (including development and registration procedures) are treated. Concepts of biological control and examples are presented. Furthermore, host-parasite-interactions are in addressed in some modules, in order to deepen the understanding of phenomena of crop plant resistance and susceptibility.
Lectures, practical courses etc. are presented in German the BSc and regular MSc study programmes of Agricultural Sciences and in English language for the Crop Protection master study program which was established in winter term 2010/2011. Since 2016, we also offer a European joint master programme in "Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems" which is integrated in the regular MSc Crop Protection.

Further details of these study programmes are available by the following hyperlinks:

Recently accepted or published papers

Maghrebi E, Koopmann B, Sander J, Chaabane H, Bahri BA (2024). Frequency of avirulence genes and race structure in a Leptosphaeria maculans population in Tunisia. Plant Pathology, 00, 1–12.

Sarenqimuge S, Wang Y, Alhussein M, Koopmann B, von Tiedemann A (2024). The interplay of suppressive soil bacteria and plant root exudates determines germination of microsclerotia of Verticillium longisporum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

Jacott C, Schoonbeek HJ, Steuernagel B, Kirby R, Zheng X, von Tiedemann A, Macioszek V, Kononowicz A, Fell H, Fitt B, Mitrousia G, Stotz H, Ridout C, Wells R (2024). Pathogen lifestyle defines host genetic signature of quantitative disease resistance in oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 137:65.

Ludwig Navarro B, Streit S, Pichler L, Nogueira Júnior AF, von Tiedemann A (2023). Photosynthetic costs and impact on epidemiological parameters of various resistance phenotypes of Exserohilum turcicum on maize carrying Ht resistance genes. Phytopathology.

Burandt QC, Deising H, von Tiedemann A (2023). Further limitations of synthetic fungicide use and expansion of organic agriculture in Europe will increase the environmental and health risks of chemical crop protection caused by copper‐containing fungicides. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 00, 1-12.


von Tiedemann, A (2023). Zur Rolle der Wissenschaft für eine verantwortungsvolle Regulierung des Pflanzenschutzes. Journal für Kulturpflanzen, 75 (07-08). S. 212–215. DOI:

Pfordt A, Gaumann P, von Tiedemann A (2023). Pathogenicity of Trichoderma afroharzianum in cereal crops. MDPI Pathogens, 12 (7), 936. DOI:

Van de Wouw A, Scanlan J, Al-Mamun H, Balesdent M-H, Bousset L, Burketova L, Mendoza L, Fernando D, Franke C, Howlett B, Huang Y, Jones E, Koopmann B, Lob S, Mirabadi A, Peng G, Rossi F, Schreuder H, Tabone A, Van Coller G, Batley J, Idnurm A (2023). A new set of international Leptosphaeria maculans isolates as a resource for elucidation of the basis and evolution of blackleg disease on Brassica napus. Plant Pathology. DOI:

Vega-Marin M, von Tiedermann A (2023). Contrasting interactions of the aggressive Verticillium longisporum lineage A1/D1 and the non-aggressive A1/D2 lineage with roots of oilseed rape. Plant Pathology. DOI:

Jacott CN, Schoonbeek H-J, Steuernagel B, Kirby R, Zheng X, von Tiedermann A, Macioszek VK, Kononowicz AK, Fell H, Fitt BDL, Mitrousia GK, Stotz HU, Ridout CJ, Wells R (2023). Pathogen lifestyle defines host genetic signature of quantitative disease resistance in oilseed rape (Brassica napus). bioRxivDOI:

Parcharidou E, Dücker R, Zöllner P, Ries S, Orru R, Beffa R (2023). Recombinant glutathione transferases from flufenacet-resistant black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) form different flufenacet metabolites and differ in their interaction with pre- and post-emergence herbicides. Pest Management Science, 79: 3376-3386. DOI:

Fantodji M, Ahohuendo B C, Silue D, von Tiedmann A (2023). Relationship between rice blast severity and the rice growth stage for accurate selection of rice breeding material for improved rice production in Africa. African Journal of Plant Science 17(5), 39-48. DOI:

Maghrebi E, Beldi O, Ochi T, Koopmann B, Chaabane H, Bahri B A (2023). First report of Leptosphaeria maculans and Leptosphaeria biglobosa causing blackleg disease of oilseed rape in Tunisia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 62(1): 17-24. DOI: https://doi:10.36253/phyto-13827.

Wang Y, Zheng X, Sarenqimuge S, von Tiedemann A (2023). The soil bacterial community regulates germination of Plasmodiophora brassicae resting spores rather than root exudates. PLoS Pathogens 19(3): e1011175. DOI:

Surovy M Z, Islam T, von Tiedemann A (2023). Role of seed infection for the near and far distance dissemination of wheat blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype Triticum. Frontiers in Microbiology (Sec. Microbe and Virus Interactions with Plants), Vol 14. DOI:

Weitere Publikationen

Pflanzenproduktion in D-200Neuerscheinung der Nova Acta Leopoldina zum Thema
"Pflanzenproduktion in Deutschland - Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für die Zukunft".
Prof. Jung (Kiel),
Prof. Kage (Kiel),
Prof Niggli (Bern, CH) und
Prof. von Tiedemann (Göttingen).
ISBN: 978-3-8047-4248-2.
Phytomedizin 3. AuflageDie 3. Ausgabe des Lehrbuches
"Phytomedizin" (Hallmann J & von Tiedemann A)
ist im Dezember 2019 im UTB-Verlag erschienen.
Das Buch umfasst 380 Seiten, wurde didaktisch überarbeitet und hat ein neues Design.
ISBN: 9783825252618 .


  • Pfingstexcursion
    Exkursion Ungarn
  • If you are interested in open topics for Master's but also Bachelor's theses from our division, please contact our scientific staff directly.
  • Topics of the Plant Pathology and Plant Protection Seminar are announced on a separate web page. The listing of topics for the current semester can be accessed via the following parent page: Plant Pathology and Plant Protection Seminar.
  • The contents of the Kolloquium Phytomedizin offered in the winter semester are also announced on a separate page. Here, too, the list of topics for the respective semester can be navigated via the superordinate website "Kolloquium Phytomedizin".