The move of the Musicological library: new locations

The Musicological library moved in August/September 2021 into the Cultural Studies Divisional Library/Bereichsbibliothek Kulturwissenschaften (BBK) as new main location.
The printed media stock of the library is mainly relocated to the open shelves of the BBK. In preparation for the relocation, duplicate copies in our library in correspondence to stocks of SUB have been eliminated from our stocks. This means many music-related literature is now to be found only at the SUB.
Overview on the main new locations:

  • Monographs, journals and sheet music (collected scholarly editions and study scores) are at the open shelves of the BBK. Monographs and sheet music are open for regular loan, journals can be consulted on site.
  • Sheet music of practical editions are located in the SUB central library stack rooms, open for regular loan.
  • All older stocks (publication prior to 1900) are at the stack rooms of the SUB Historical Building, usage in the reading room by order from the catalogue.

New location of the media of the Musicological library

BBK, Trakt A 2nd floor (Bereichsbibliothek Kulturwissenschaften)

  • monographs (publication after 1901), shelves A2.46–50
  • reference works
  • journals (except for some issues handed to SUB central library), shelf A2.51
  • sheet music, shelves A2.52–53:
    collected scholarly editions (shelf mark 24.xx...P)
    study scores (shelf mark 24.xx...Tp)
  • facsimiles (inserted into monographs' shelves)

BBK stack room (not open shelves, accessible by order in catalogue)

  • media from book supplements: CDs/ CD-Roms, DvDs, LPs, audio cassettes, diskettes

SUB, central library, stack rooms

  • sheet music: practical editions (publication after 1901, shelf mark 24.xx...PA and MPR II...)
  • media of the sound archive of the Department of Musicology: vinyls (cataloguing in process); CDs/DVDs (catalogued in GUK); music cassettes (cataloguing in process)
  • bibliographical catalogues (publication after 1901)
  • microfilmes, microfiches (cataloguing in process; extant list catalogue)

SUB, HG (Historisches Gebäude/Historical Building, stack rooms)

  • monographs (publication prior to 1900)
  • sheet music (publication prior to 1900; collected scholarly editions shelf mark 24.xx...P, study scores 24.xx...TP, practical editions 24.xx...PA)
  • rare boks (shelf mark 24.xx...R)
  • bibliographical catalogues (publication prior to 1900)

Sound studio of the Department of Musicology, KWZ 2.830

  • media from the sound archive of the Dep. of Musicology (shellacks: extant list catalogue; magnetic tapes: not catalogued)

Special collections

Collection van Lamsweerde and collection Linkels

  • Stored in the premises of the Dep. of Musicology, KWZ 0.830 (Lamsweerde) and KWZ 0.833 (Linkels)
  • For access contact Prof. Birgit Abels

Collection Nitzsche of 19th century violin repertoire sheet music, shelf mark Mpr III...

Shelf mark Liturg, Oek (church music)

How to research our library stocks

In the SUB catalogues GUK and GöDiscovery, all new locations of our stocks are indicated.
In order to search for the complete stock of the former musicological library now located at the BBK, use in GUK the search command (field „[ALL] Alle Wörter“) sst BBK-MUS? (complete stock) or sst BBK-MUS-N? (only sheet music).
Additionaly, you can keep using the OPAC of the former musicological library, containing our complete stocks independently of the new locations.

Usage and loan

The usage and lending conditions of our stocks at BBK, HG and SUB central library is subject to the regular conditions of these SUB premises. This means the biggest part of our stock is now no longer a reference library, but open for regular loan. This also applies for the sheet music at BBK and SUB central library.
Only reference works (encyclopedia) are exempt from loan. The stock located at the HG is only usable within the reading room premises.

Questions on usage and loan via email:

For usage of stocks within the sound studio of the Dep. of Musicology, please contact Prof. Andreas Waczkat.
The instruments and archive material of the Collection of Musical Instruments of the Department of Musicology remains at the "Accouchierhaus", Kurze Geismarstr. 1. Contact: Dr. Ryoto Akiyama.