In publica commoda

Workgroups and Panels

The Work Group HR Development at the Campus Göttingen

The workgroup "HR Development and Early Career Support" was founded in 2014. It gathers representants of the University of Göttingen, the Senate, the Council of the Deans and Dean Advisors, the Administration, the Employee Representation (staff council and adjunct staff) and Equal Opportunity Responsibles. Since 2015, it has been extended by representatives of non-university partner organisations of the Göttingen Campus. The representants were selected on the basis of a balanced representation of the faculties and their different disciplines. Their mission was first the implementation of the "Guiding Framework on the Support of Early Career Research and of Academic Career Paths besides Professorship" (2014). This process was capped by the position paper "Perspectives for Career Paths in Science" (2015) and a six-point paper on the support of early career research, which was developed in cooperation with partner institutions. These are the basics upon which the Work Group goes on providing strategic and advisory support with reference to the practical application of the papers. Consequently, the workgroup provides directives for the HR Development division.

The Qualification Committee

The Qualification Program addressing all University Staff was conceived and implemented by the division HR Development. The process is supported by a parity-based qualification committee which gathers three representants from both, the HR Department (with one representant of the faculties) and the Staff Council. The equal opportunities officer, the commissioner for addiction issues and the confidential counsellor for employees with special needs are members with advisory functions.

The Network HR Development

At the Campus Göttingen, HR development training measures are provided by various agents from central and decentralized institutions. The Network of the Division HR Development ensures the exchange of information between the agents on a work level and enables visualisation of internal expertise as well as exchange of experience.

The Scientific Advisory Board of the Dorothea Schlözer Mentoring Program

The advisory board consists of current and former mentors of the program and provides advise on the conceptional advancement of the program.

Contributions of the division HR Development to other panels and workgroups