Critical Migration Studies and the
Current Border Regimes

1st CeMig Migration Research Lab with Prof. Dr. Shahram Khosravi (Stockholm University) & Prof. Dr. Sabine Hess (CeMig)

Date: Wednesday, 12.12.2018, 15:00 - 18:00; followed by an optional dinner at Apex
Venue: KWZ 2.739

This workshop with Prof. Dr. Shahram Khosravi and Prof. Dr. Sabine Hess is designed to initiate exchange about critical migration and border regime studies in the EU and beyond. Doing empirical research on topics like irregular migration, reception policies, border control and the transformations of migration governance, border regimes or humanitarianism you may find yourself struggling with the very recent developments of and within the European border regime. The workshop’s overall idea is to exchange ethnographic insights, methodological questions and analytical challenges regarding current shifts and continuities in the border regimes. By presenting your own research, the workshop offers the opportunity to come to terms with your empirical data. Participants are expected to prepare short input presentations (5-7 min.) on their pressing research questions, methodological challenges or conceptual questions.

About Prof. Dr. Shahram Khosravi
Shahram Khosravi is professor at the Department for Social Anthropology at Stockholm University and member of the research network “Critical Border Studies Initiative” supported by CEMFOR, Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism at Uppsala University. His research interests include anthropology of Iran and the Middle East, migration, human rights, forced displacement. His ongoing research project focuses on asylum seekers after deportation from Sweden and their experiences. He is author of “After Deportation. Ethnographic Perspective” (2017), “Precarious Lives: Waiting and Hope in Iran” (2017) and “The ‘Illegal’ Traveler: an Auto-ethnography of Borders” (2010).
On 13th December, 19:00 - 20:30 (VG. 4.102) he gives a lecture with the title " Life in Displacement: The Case of Afghanistan " as part of the CeMig lecture series on "Root Causes of Forced Migration”.

About Prof. Dr. Sabine Hess
Sabine Hess is professor at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology / European Ethnology and director of the Centre for Global Migration Studies at the University of Göttingen. She is the coordinator of the “The Critical Migration and Border Regime Research Laboratory” and founding member of the interdisciplinary research network “kritnet”. Her research interests include migration and border regime studies, transnationalisation and Europeanization studies, the anthropology of policy and legal anthropology. She is co-editor of “movements: Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies” and “Grenzregime III. Der lange Sommer der Migration” (2016).