Two students are standing in a library in front of a large window looking into a book.



Are you interested in the role of economics as a driver of societal development, but find a purely economic perspective too limited? Then our Master's programme in History of Global Markets is the right choice for you. It combines business and economics with history, social sciences, and political sciences to analyze the past - so that we can make informed decisions for the future.

Master’s Programme in History of Global Markets


Summer and winter semester


4 semesters


Top ratings in general study situation


Limited admission (application to the faculty)


German and English


120 Credits


Which megatrends and dynamics have changed the economy in the past - and what conclusions can we draw from them for the future? What do rises, crises and declines teach us? Our master’s programme examines the history of global markets and draws crucial lessons for shaping the future. To do so, it brings together economics, business administration, history, social and political sciences as an interdisciplinary subject. The economic history focus is on global history, corporate history and consumer history. The versatility of the degree programme opens up a wide range of careers: Business journalism, foundation management, corporate communications or tasks in international organisations are just a few examples. As the degree programme contributes to the renowned Erasmus Mundus master’s programme "Global Markets, Local Creativities (GLOCAL)", you will learn in an international atmosphere with students from a wide range of countries. The programme is open to anyone with a Bachelor's degree in Economic and Social History, Modern and Contemporary History, Economics, Business Administration, Sociology, Political Science or a related field.

  • Compulsory area: Creating a basis

    The compulsory course in the first and second semesters provides you with basic knowledge of economic and social history and research methods. It enables you to critically discuss and analyse the structures of global capitalism and to examine the history of global trade flows. You will learn to identify main problems of transnational economic processes and apply this theoretical and contextual knowledge to the analysis of specific historical case studies.

    30 Credits

  • Convergence area: Interdisciplinary work

    In this segment, you take bachelor courses from the field of business and economics and history. In doing so, you will familiarise yourself with the ways of seeing and working that are particularly relevant to the respective subject and thus learn to work in an interdisciplinary manner. At the same time, this segment serves to ensure that all students in the two fields have a prior education at a common level. In the field of history, you can take modules on a variety of regions, topics or time periods relatively freely - from the Middle Ages to Eastern European history. In business and economics, the spectrum ranges from topics such as companies and markets to marketing and international management.

    18 Credits

  • Electives: Getting to know different approaches

    You will become familiar with perspectives, periods, or regions as avenues for researching global markets. You will enroll in modules covering two of the three approaches. Examples of perspectives include global history, corporate history, or cultural history. Periods could encompass colonialism, industrialization, or the post-war era, for instance. As for regions, they might include Germany, the USA, Asia, or Eastern Europe.

    12 Credits

  • Profile area: Setting priorities

    This area offers you the opportunity to create an independent profile for your future career through specialization.

    • An economic specialization in the "Economy & Institutions" profile.

    • A specialisation in business administration in the "Business & Management" profile

    • A social science and history specialisation in the "Society & Culture" profile

    • An interdisciplinary specialization in global economic issues in the "Globalisation" profile.

    30 Credits

  • Master’s thesis: Bringing together what has been learned

    At the end of your master's programme, you will complete your Master's thesis, where you combine all the skills you have acquired. Writing your thesis strengthens your ability to conduct research independently. You will deepen scientific methods and techniques to validate and interpret your research results, critically question information, analyse different points of view and draw sound conclusions. Last but not least, you develop your ability to present your own ideas and arguments and to support them on the basis of empirical findings.

    30 Credits

  • Study plan and additional links


  • Internationality

  • Interdisciplinarity

  • Networks

  • Analytical skills

In our degree programme, you'll meet fellow students from various countries and academic backgrounds. After all, it is integrated into the prestigious Erasmus Mundus master's programme 'Global Markets, Local Creativities' (GLOCAL). Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters are international master's programmes jointly designed and conducted by at least three European universities. Therefore, the programme can be studied entirely in either German or English. The global networks you build here will be invaluable even after your studies.

Seven students, two men and five women, are sitting on the grass in front of the library, all with their laptops on their laps. The student on the left in the picture is showing something on his laptop to the student next to her.

To draw insights from the past, our master’s programme brings together economics and historical research, social and political sciences. In terms of methods, it goes beyond economic models and also uses qualitative and empirical methods. This multifaceted approach allows you to gain deep insights into the dynamic interactions between markets and societies. This gives you skills that prepare you for a wide range of careers - such as research, education, journalism, cultural management, consulting, politics and more.

Two students, a man and a woman, are standing at a stand in the pedestrian zone conducting a survey using iPads. One man is in the process of filling out the survey.

We maintain an extensive network of connections to major companies, foundations, and archives, creating opportunities for internships. These internships are an excellent way to gain practical experience, build relationships, and explore potential career paths. With a high percentage of international students, you'll get to know people from all over the world. Seise this opportunity to learn from each other, conduct research together, and build global connections.

A group of six students, four men and two women, sit in a circle of chairs and discuss animatedly.

In our programme, you will learn to analyse historical data, identify patterns, and comprehend complex relationships. Furthermore, you will also acquire the competence to distill these connections and communicate them effectively. The ability to make complex historical concepts and developments comprehensible in written form or through oral presentations and discussions prepares you for a wide range of challenging tasks.

A man stands at a whiteboard with notes stuck on it and discusses with three women who are looking at the whiteboard with interest.


  • Portrait photo of Simon Gerards Iglesias. He has glasses and is wearing a dark jacket and a white shirt.

    “The master’s programme opened up interdisciplinary perspectives for me after my bachelor's degree. I got a completely new view of economic contexts and was able to acquire an incomprehensible wealth of knowledge from which I still benefit in my job today. I think studying economic history is very relevant for reflecting on current social problems and understanding economic processes.“

    Dr. Simon Gerards Iglesias,

    Institute of the German Economy

  • Portrait photo of Melanie Thut. She has long brown hair and is wearing a brown corduroy jacket and a black turtleneck jumper.

    “The GLOCAL Erasmus Mundus master’s programme is a unique opportunity to connect global contexts with the local while studying in three different countries with inspiring people. After two semesters in Glasgow and Barcelona, I was happy to spend my last year at the University of Göttingen, which offers the best learning and working environment for the master’s thesis project with its excellent facilities.“

    Melanie Thut,

    Erasmus Mundus Master Global Markets, Local Creativities (GLOCAL)

  • Porträtfoto von Zeynep Atila. Sie hat lange braune Haare und trägt eine weiße Bluse. Sie hält ein Buch der Brüder Grimm im Arm.

    “The History of Global Markets degree programme has taken me on an incredible educational adventure. Its interdisciplinary nature allows me to comprehensively engage with the historical, economic and global aspects of the subject. Not to mention Göttingen's epic combination of history, vibrant student life and a supportive community that encourages personal and academic growth.“

    Zeynep Atila,

    History of Global Markets master’s programme

How to apply

How to apply

Three simple steps to apply to the faculty

  • 1.

    Fully fill out the online application form during the application period and send it to us via the send button at the end of the form.

  • 2.

    You will receive login-data in order to be able to access the upload portal via email. Go through the attached checklist and upload all necessary documents.

  • 3.

    You will receive a reply via email approximately six weeks after the application deadline.

Apply now!

We accompany you through your studies

Your teaching team (selection)

  • Hartmut Berghoff
    Economic and Social History
    Prof. Dr. Hartmut Berghoff

    "Historical path dependencies shape our present and future. I appreciate it when students ask new questions of economic history."

  • Jan Logemann
    Economic and Social History
    PD Dr. Jan Logemann

    "I am always very happy when we arouse enthusiasm for economic history and economic contexts. For this, we accompany our students very closely, from the introductory lecture to the bachelor's or master's thesis."

  • Katja Wezel
    Economic and Social History
    Dr. Katja Wezel

    "When I enter the seminar room, I look forward to getting to know the students' perspective. The view of the past and its interpretation are constantly changing. That's what makes teaching so exciting."

  • Stefan Hördler
    Economic and Social History
    Dr. Stefan Hördler

    "History is colorful and vibrant and empowers understanding of the past and present. The daily work with our diverse and international student body is a great enrichment and joy."

Do you have any questions?

Are you wondering whether a study programme at the Faculty of Business and Economics is right for you or do you have questions about the course of studies, placement in a higher semester or recognition of academic achievements? During our office hours, we advise you on site at the Oeconomicum, digitally via BBB and by telephone without prior registration.

Student Advisory Office

+49 551 39-28800

Oeconomicum, 1st floor, Room 1.135

Portrait photo of the student advisory service. From left: Dorothee Konings wears a turquoise blouse, Dennie Oertel wears a dark blue checked jacket and a white shirt and Anja Schöfer wears a black blazer and a white blouse.