Kick-Off Event

26 - 27 April 2019

A Short Retrospect:

The two-day kick-off event for the Urban Lab consisted of three parts:

In a first workshop with all project initiators, we exchanged views on the different disciplinary perspectives and conceptual approaches to the topic of "City and Migration". Dr. Henrik Lebuhn (Humboldt University Berlin) supported us with an overview of current developments in the field of urban migration research. Thankfully, he has made his lecture manuscript (in German) available to us for reading.

> In her public lecture, Katina Schubert (member of the Berlin House of Representatives and regional chairman of DIE LINKE Berlin) talked about the efforts to develop a participatory urban policy that contributes to an open city based on solidarity. In particular, the Seebrücken movement has put the question of how municipalities themselves can shape an open immigration policy back on the agenda.

We have also invited various municipal organisations and initiatives to join us for a workshop on municipal experiences and resources, formats and objectives for cooperation in the Urban Lab.

Images: Leon-Fabian Caspari