Study Advisor

My name is Thorben Langer, I am the student advisor for the Institute for Digital Humanities. This means you're welcome to ask any questions regarding the following topics:

  • Advice on the study courses and strucutre
  • Modularization of classes
  • Crediting of courses (when changing the subject or university and after semesters abroad)
  • General information on our programmes for prospective students
  • Time table overlaps

We made some pages on our websites for frequently asked questions where you may already find answers to your inquiries. Should these pages not be able to do so, you are welcome to come to my office hour on tuesdays 4-5 pm, in person or online. Please register via StudIP if you would like an appointment.

  • "Which courses do I have to take next semester?"
    I am happy to help you find your way around our range of courses if you are unsure or if you encounter any problems. However, please inform yourself in advance about the structure of your studies at this page and take a look at our current courses. There you will already get an overview of courses and which ones to choose from.

  • "I studied xx and xx. Am I eligible for the master's programme Digital Humanities?"
    The admission of prospective master students is handled by a specific committee. I cannot decide nor assess whether you could be admitted or not. Here you will find a detailed description of the formal entry requirements and can gain an impression of your chances.

For general questions about the structure and your choice of degree programme, you will also find advice at the central subject advisory service, and for questions about your specific examination registration, please contact the examinations office.