Eleonore Pape

Dr. Eleonore Pape is a research associate at the Department of Prehistory and Early History of the Georg-August-University, with responsibilities in research and teaching. Her thematic focus is on social practices in the prehistoric era (especially of the Neolithic and Bronze Age) in Central and Western Europe. In terms of methodological approaches, her work is cross-border, social-anthropological and interdisciplinary.

In the context of her bi-national doctoral thesis at the University of Heidelberg and the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre (2016), Eleonore Pape dealt with collective burials in so-called gallery graves of the Late Neolithic period (4 millennium B.C.) in present-day Germany and France. She combined national research perspectives and questions, with quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as with the archaeo-anthropological method.

Currently, she deals with biologically determined social groups in prehistory and early history, integrating archaeology, social anthropology and natural sciences.

Research interests

  • Neolithic / Bronze Age
  • Central and Western Europe
  • Social archaeology
  • Burial practices
  • Archaeo-anthropology

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2018: Fellow of the „Wülfing“-travel scholarship (8 months).
  • since April 2017: Scientific employee at the department for prehistoric archaeology at the University of Göttingen, Germany.
  • 2016: PhD in Prehistory at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany, and the Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, France (cotutelle de thèse), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Joseph Maran and Dr. Laure Salanova (dir. CNRS). Title of the dissertation: „A Shared Ideology of Death? The Late Neolithic Gallery Graves of Western Germany and the Paris Basin“.
  • 2011-2016: Research assistant at the Romano-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and freelance translator of scientific papers in German/French/English.
  • 2005-2011: M.A.-Studies (Magister) of Prehistoric Archaeology, Classical Archaeology and Social Anthropology at at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany.
  • 2008-2009: Internship at the Musée Gallo-Romain de Lyon-Fourvière, France (1 semester).
  • Since 2006: Employments and participations at various excavations and geophysical prospections in Germany, Slovakia, Greece and France.



 E. Pape, A Shared Ideology of Death? The Architectural Elements and the Uses of the Late Neolithic Gallery Graves of Western Germany and the Paris Basin, Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie 342, Part 1 and 2 (Bonn 2019)


 E. Pape, A Matter of Perspective – Borders between France and Germany in the Late Neolithic, in: M. Brunner/J. Menne (eds.), Frontiers or Interaction Zones? Borderlands as areas of communication and mobility. Proceedings of the International Workshop, Bern 2019. UPA (forthcoming)

 E. Pape, Das Rätsel der spätneolithischen Galeriegräber, in: J. Menne – M. Brunner (eds.), Grenzräume in der Archäologie, Archäologie in Deutschland Sonderheft 18, 2020, 29-32

 E. Pape – A. Blin – A.-S. Marçais, Neolithic collective burials in Europe in the later 4th millennium BC, The European Archaeologist 43, 2015, 63-65

 E. Pape, Die spätneolithischen Galeriegräber Westdeutschlands und des Pariser Beckens – Ein architektonischer Vergleich, Berichte zur Archäologie in Rheinhessen und Umgebung 5, 2012, 115-129

 Book reviews

E. Pape : H. Parzinger, Abenteuer Archäologie. Eine Reise durch die Menscheitsgeschichte (2016), Revue de l’Institut Français d’Histoire en Allemagne (IFHA) [URL : http://ifha.revues.org/8805]


Fellowships / Scholarships

2018: Travel grant of the Wülfing-Foundation of the German Archaeological Institute (8 months).

2017: Publication costs subsidy of the Excellence Initiative oft eh Graduate Academy of the University of Heidelberg.

2013-2016: Mobility grant of the Deutsch-Französischen Hochschule / Université Franco-Allemande (DFH / UFA).

2015: Scholarship of the Association „Freunde der Archäologie in Europa e.V.“

2008-2009: Scholarship for an international internship of the DAAD/KOOR BEST.


Committee work

since october 2019: Member of the staff group in the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Göttingen.

since april 2019: Deputy member of the Faculty Council staff group of the

Humanities Faculty of the University of Göttingen, from October 2019 to March 2020 full member of the staff group.

2011-2016: Various activities as a electoral board member of the local staff council of the Roman-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), further as a substitute member and from 1.1.-31.5.2016 as a full member of the overall staff council of the DAI.