Göttinger Zentrum

The university center "Textstrukturen: Analyse und Verarbeitung (Text Structures: Analysis and Processing)" which is geared towards interdisciplinary research into language and literature, is dedicated to systematic text analysis from an empirical and theoretical perspective and pays particular attention to the cognitive and machine language processing.

The successful activities of the Courant Research Center "Textstrukturen (Text Structures) " (The Multi-layered Text Protocol: Micro and Macro Level Structures in Written Discourse) and the university research focus "Language and Cognition" are institutionally merged at the Göttingen Center "Textstrukturen” so that collaborative research in literary studies, linguistics, psychology, philosophy and computer science/digital humanities can be continued and further expanded at the Göttingen location.

The Center bundles all research and teaching activities in the thematic spectrum of language, cognition, and text, and enables interdisciplinary synergies. Thus, it creates a cooperation platform for all interested scientists in Göttingen. The supporting faculties are the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Biology and Psychology, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. However, the Center "Textstrukturen” is open to members of all institutions of the University of Göttingen and the Göttingen Campus.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact the coordination office at the following email address: textstrukturen@uni-goettingen.de.


Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Göttinger Zentrum „Textstrukturen“
Nikolausberger Weg 23
D-37073 Göttingen

Tel: 0551 / 39-26061
Fax: 0551 / 39-20020
Coordination: textstrukturen@uni-goettingen.de

Supporting faculties