Projekt "Gendergerechte Inklusion für Promovendinnen mit Behinderung bzw. chronischer Erkrankung" (01.09.2018-31.08.2019)

Here you can read about the project "Gendergerechte Inklusion für Promovendinnen mit Behinderung bzw. chronischer Erkrankung". The project ended on August 31, 2019.

In September 2018 a new project was established to campus wide further the inclusion of female PhD students with disabilities, chronic diseases, or care responsibilities. We would like to strengthen networking among the above mentioned group by organizing “Biographiezirkel”. At the same time we would like to learn how we could improve inclusion at Göttingen University. Besides we will organize expert talks on inclusion in higher education, and e.g. a round table on PhD studies and supervision with regard to inclusion. We hope to initiate networking and identify further potential for inclusion
This project was associated with the „Fachkolleg Inklusion an Hochschulen – gendergerecht“ (Association for Inclusion in Higher Education – regarding gender equality‘) and was run by both the Graduate School of Humanities (GSGG) and the Graduate School of Social Sciences. The project was funded by the university’s "Gleichstellungs-Innovations-Fonds" and Professorinnenprogramm II (BMBF).