Kostenloser IT-Support im CIP-Pool der Phil.Fak

Problems with your device?

If you have trouble with your laptop and would like advice from us, we are happy to help. Please contact us with a short description by email, or drop by spontaneously during our opening times.

Free IT-Support in the CIP-Pool of the Phil.Fak

The student support staff of the CIP-Pool is happy to help students with IT problems, whether software or hardware, of any kind. This includes among others:

University-related IT problems such as.

Help with setting up the eduroam WLAN connection on your own laptop/smartphone. Help with setting up the student mail account on your own laptop/smartphone In general, we answer all kinds of questions about eCampus, Stud.IP, FlexNow, etc.

Student advice and scientific work

MS-Office help (e.g. page numbering only after the 3rd page, poster design with Powerpoint, Excel lifehacks, etc.) LaTeX as a free and versatile MS-Office alternative Support in using the software for a bibliography (primarily Zotero) Support with image editing in Photoshop/GIMP Support with smaller video editing problems

We also look at other minor software and hardware problems such as

Your own laptop gets too hot, crashes more often or produces bluescreens (BSOD) The own laptop does not start up at all Help with the sensible creation of backups Support for "flattening", i.e. reinstalling the operating system after a virus, for example Product and purchase advice based on application benefit In general, users of the CIP-Pool can also ask questions about topics that are not listed here. Just come by during opening hours or make an appointment. Ideally, contact us in advance by e-mail with a short description of the problem!