

  • 2013

University Teaching Qualification, RU. Date certificate: 27 August 2013.


  • 2016:

Organisation of and leading seminars in the international MA and PhD course 'Coinage and the construction of identity in Antiquity and the Renaissance' (KNIR, DAI, OIKOS), Rome 3-10 October 2016.

  • 2015 - 2016

Seminar 'Medien der Macht. Historische Interpretation römischer Reichsmünzen', BA, Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
Kolloquium der Nachwuchsgruppe 'Religion', PhD, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

  • 2015

International Göttingen SPIRIT Summer School 'Ideology, power and religious change in Antiquity, 3000 BC' AD 600' for PhD students and postdocs, Georg-August- Universität Göttingen, 20-24 July 2015.

  • 2014

Kolloquium der Nachwuchsgruppe 'Religion', PhD, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

  • 2013 - 2014

Tutorial 'Roman coins as a historical source', Research Master Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Utrecht University.

  • 2013

'A cultural history of the classical world'; guest lecture on war and peace in the ancient world and on the city of Athens in the course 'A cultural history of the classical world', Higher Education for Senior Citizens, RU.

  • 2011 - 2012

Development and coordination of as well as leading a seminar on religion in the course 'The Roman world', part of the interdisciplinary honours program for excellent students, Honours Academy, RU.
Development of the course 'A world full of madness', BA 3, Department of History, RU.

  • 2011

Seminars 'New techniques for historical sources', BA 1, Department of History, RU.
Coordinator of internships, Master programme 'Roma Aeterna', Department of History, RU.
Supervision BA and MA theses.
Supervision internship Money Museum Utrecht.
Coordination of as well as giving lectures and leading seminars in the course 'The historian's skills, BA 3, Department of History, RU.

  • 2010

Lectures and seminars in the course 'Roman coins', part of the minor Ancient Studies, BA 2 and 3, Department of History, RU.

  • 2009

Supervision MA and BA theses.
Development and coordination of as well as giving lectures and leading seminars in the course 'The historian's skills, BA 3, Department of History, RU.
Seminars 'Philosophy of History', BA 2, Department of History, RU.

  • 2008

Lectures and seminars 'Greek and Roman religion', BA 2, Greek and Latin Language and Culture, RU.
Seminars 'Historical practice', BA 1, Department of History, RU.
Seminars 'Introduction into Ancient History', BA 1, Department of History, RU.

  • 2006

Seminars 'Historical practice', BA 1, Department of History, RU.
Seminars 'Introduction into Ancient History', BA 1, Department of History, RU.