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Teaching Scientific Writing - Part 2

Titel der Veranstaltung Teaching Scientific Writing - Part 2
Veranstalter Zentralverwaltung und sonstige zentralen Einrichtungen
Einrichtung Referent/in Hochschuldidaktik
Veranstaltungsart Workshop
Kategorie Karriere und Weiterbildung
Anmeldung erforderlich Ja
Beschreibung Integrating writing into your courses can be beneficial to your students, especially so to international students. Communicating about your topics – whether from the field of biology, theology or political science – helps strengthen student learning. It provides students an opportunity to organize their thoughts related to the topic, which helps clarify their thinking.
Writing activities can take several forms, ranging from frequent, quick, and informal activities, to creative writing assignments, to more involved, long term assignments involving research, expository writing, and/or cooperative projects. You can use writing activities in class to diagnose learning difficulties, assess student mastery of concepts, and to enable students to express their thoughts about the topic in reflective or creative ways. Writing also provides an interesting and varied instructional activity for your students.
Zeit Beginn: 24.04.2018, 09:00 Uhr
Ende: 24.04.2018 , 12:30 Uhr
Ort Waldweg 26, Altbau (Waldweg 26)
Trakt 1. 3rd floor, room 3119
Kontakt Hochschuldidaktik
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