: Eine Gruppe Studierender (zwei Männer und fünf Frauen) läuft auf dem Campus der Universität Göttingen und unterhält sich dabei miteinander.



Solve business challenges through information systems and drive digital transformation. Our business information systems programme gives you both up-to-date application knowledge and timeless methods for implementing IT systems, opening up numerous career paths in IT administration, consulting, e-business and many specialist departments.



Summer and winter semester


6 semesters


Open admission (enrolment without previous application)




180 Credits


CHE-Ranking: Top ratings in general study situation

AIS Research Ranking: Business Information Systems Research Group in 16th place in Europe and 6th place in Germany


In our bachelor's programme, you will learn to design, implement and introduce IT systems that help companies achieve their goals. To do this, you will analyse operational business processes as well as the success factors of platform technologies and learn agile project management and software development methods. The degree programme provides you with an optimal mix of current application knowledge and timeless methods. At the same time, it is characterised by its great flexibility. You already have the opportunity to set focal points in the bachelor's programme. The large elective area gives you the opportunity to deepen your own interests or to get to know many different subject areas. Through events held by speakers from the business world and project seminars, you will gain first-hand practical knowledge and make first-class contacts. In this way, you are optimally prepared to start your career directly or to complete the Master's programme in Business Information Systems.

  • Orientation phase: Acquire basic knowledge

    This phase in the first and second semesters provides you with fundamental knowledge in business informatics, computer science, business administration and economics. You will also gain knowledge of the crucial mathematical and statistical methods. In the module "Companies and Markets", which you take right in the first semester, you will receive an overview of the economics and business administration content of the degree programme and get to know various lecturers. You will then apply the theoretical knowledge you have acquired directly in a computer-based business game.
    The orientation phase also gives you the opportunity to get to know different aspects of business informatics and computer science. In this way, you can discover your own interests and talents in order to make decisions about your future specialisation.

    62 Credits

  • Specialisation in business informatics: Building Mehodology

    The orientation phase is followed by the in-depth phase from the third semester onwards: This area deepens your knowledge in different aspects of business informatics. You will learn about the design and management of information systems and take a seminar on business information systems topics.

    You will also take modules from three of four focus areas:

    • Integrated information processing: Learn the basics of information processing in companies and methods for digitising business processes.

    • Data, information, knowledge: Learn methods and technologies for collecting, managing and evaluating data, knowledge and information as well as for the use of artificial intelligence in companies.

    • Information and communication technology: Gain knowledge on the secure transmission of data as well as data protection, for example in e-commerce.

    • Standard software, reference models, system development: Learn about commonly used software solutions and learn to map business processes through digital systems.

    36 - 52 Credits

  • Computer science specialisation: Developing software solutions

    In this block you acquire knowledge about the basics of computer science. For example, you deepen your practical knowledge of programming languages. A highlight is the project seminar on system development, in which you conceive and design a software solution. Here you have the opportunity to work with practical partners. In addition, you choose further modules from two of three focus areas to deepen your studies individually:

    • Practical computer science: Expand your practical knowledge, for example on computer networks, machine learning, databases or mobile communication.

    • Theoretical computer science: Expand your knowledge of theoretical concepts in computer science such as algorithms and data structures or formal systems.

    • Computer Engineering: Acquire knowledge about the interaction of hardware and software, for example in operating systems, computer networks or mobile communication.

    36 - 52 Credits

  • Business administration: Entrepreneurial thinking

    In the courses from the area of "Business Administration", you will learn how companies are organised, how markets function and how value chains are structured. This understanding is important so that you can learn to understand the needs of companies and develop efficient solutions for them.

    You will take three modules from the following list :

    • Corporate Taxes I

    • Internal Corporate Accounting

    • Corporate Governance and Organisation

    • Production and Logistics

    • Marketing

    18 Credits

  • Electives: Deepening interests

    The elective area gives you the opportunity to align your studies according to your individual interests and professional goals, to develop an independent profile and to optimally prepare for a Master's programme after the Bachelor's degree. You can freely choose modules from the areas of Business Information Systems, Business Administration and Quantitative Methods as well as the area of "Advanced Computer Science". In addition, you can have an internship credited to your degree programme or expand your knowledge in related legal fields, e.g. in business law. Key qualifications such as the acquisition of language skills or communication and leadership skills round off your individual profile.

    Your freedom of choice is not only limited to what the University of Göttingen has to offer: Our exchange ring events give you the opportunity to attend lectures online at the Universities of Hanover and Osnabrück, for example, as well as at the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt and Saarland University.

    Max. 16 Credits

  • Bachelor’s thesis

    The final thesis enables you to practically apply the knowledge you have acquired and to work on a concrete question within a given time. In it, you combine all the skills you have learned during your studies: Research methods, critical thinking and independence. You select current topics and use, for example, real data as well as quantitative methods to answer your own research questio.

    12 Credits

  • Study plan and additional links


  • Career relevance

  • Career planning

  • Critical knowledge

  • Career network

You must be able to apply your knowledge in reality. Therefore, all modules are designed to establish a link to practice and to smooth your transition into professional life in the fast-moving IT industries through up-to-date content. In the project seminar on system development, you will design and accompany - also in cooperation with practical partners from the business world - the complete development of a software solution.

 A student wears virtual reality goggles and holds two controllers in his hands.

Our Bachelor's programme gives you great freedom in choosing the content you can learn. The generous elective area gives you the opportunity to get to know many different subject areas in order to discover new interests - also through modules outside of business informatics and economics. Once you have discovered a subject area that particularly interests you, you can specialise in this focus and stand out from the crowd by creating your own knowledge profile.

 Two students, a man and a woman, sit at the counter of the student advisory service and are advised by a woman.

In hardly any other industry does the relevant knowledge change as quickly as in IT. We prepare you optimally for this dynamic professional field: On the one hand, we teach you practical and cutting-edge content and, on the other hand, timeless methods that will help you to familiarise yourself with new tasks throughout your entire professional life. In the process, you will not only learn the theoretical concepts, but also put your knowledge to practical use.

 Two female students are standing in the library looking at a book. One of the two students points to a certain passage in the book.

Through our Bachelor’s degree programme, you will not only get to know company executives in lectures, but also solve their real entrepreneurial problems together with them in the project seminar. You can use these encounters to gain professional experience as an intern or working student. In this way, you will create a network of high-quality contacts that will make it easier for you to start your professional life.

 A group of six students, four men and two women, sit in a circle of chairs and discuss animatedly.


  • Portrait photo of Katharina Schramm. She is wearing a black cotton jacket and a black scarf with stars.

    “What I particularly like about business informatics is that the degree programme is based in several departments, which gives you a wide range of career options later on. The maths modules are also easy to do, so mathematical proofs, for example, are not as important as in pure computer science. The degree programme in Göttingen is also very well structured and organised, which helped a lot, especially in the first semesters.“

    Katharina Schramm,

    Bachelor's programme in Business Information Systems

  • Portrait photo of Shirin Lange. She is wearing a yellow T-shirt.

    “What I really like about the Faculty of Business and Economics and the University of Göttingen in general is that you are given a lot of freedom. We do have a study plan, but ultimately we can decide for ourselves when we really want to choose and take which modules.“

    Shirin Lange,

    Bachelor's programme in Business Information Systems

  • Portrait photo of Annika Schulz. She is wearing a black shirt.

    “After school, I found it difficult to assess exactly what I wanted to do when I grew up and I had a hard time deciding between business and computer science. I found the idea of combining the two specialisations into a separate degree programme super exciting. The degree programme thus has a wide range of subject areas, so that you can study the topics that really interest you in more detail. In addition, there are many opportunities to use this knowledge for interface professions and thus to bring broadly diversified knowledge into the company.“

    Annika Schulz,

    Bachelor's programme in Business Information Systems

How to apply

Three simple steps to enrolment to the faculty

  • 1.

    Open admisssion degree programmes: You can enrol in these degree programmes without prior application. Enter your personal data in the application and enrolment portal of the University of Göttingen and provide information about your desired degree programme.

  • 2.

    Upload the documents required for enrolment and submit the application. You can then complete your online enrolment by entering additional data.

  • 3.

    After you have transferred the semester fees to the university, you will receive a confirmation with information about your enrolment as well as your student ID and your semester ticket by email.

Register now!

We accompany you through your studies

Your teaching team (selection)

  • Portrait photo of Manuel Trenz. He is wearing a black suit and a white shirt.
    Interorganizational Information Systems
    Prof. Dr. Manuel Trenz

    "I enthusiastically discuss the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation with students in my lectures and seminars. It's great to see how they can develop innovative solutions to the problems of our time by engaging with methods and concepts."

  • Portrait photo of Matthias Schumann. He wears a dark blue jacket and a light blue shirt.
    Application Systems and E-Business
    Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann

    “I am motivated by teaching students the many different approaches to solving problems and how modern IT can improve business processes and support decision-making. It is particularly inspiring to develop and discuss solutions with students.“

  • Portrait photo of Martin Adam. He is wearing a black jacket and a blue shirt.
    Smart Services
    Prof. Dr. Martin Adam

    "For me, knowledge is the key to opening up the new horizons of digital change. I enjoy helping students to better understand the present and actively shape the future."

  • Portrait photo of Lutz Kolbe. He wears a dark grey jacket and a light grey shirt.
    Information Management
    Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe

    "I am satisfied when students develop an understanding of the basic principles of business information systems and business administration - happy when they sharpen their critical analysis skills, and excited when we experience the application of knowledge in business practice and projects together!"

  • Portrait photo of Michael Wolff. He is wearing a blue suit and a white shirt.
    Management and Control
    Prof. Dr. Michael Wolff

    "Supporting students in their transition to professional life always motivates me. And when I see the alumni again after a few years and they remember the course content, it makes me happy."

  • Portrait photo of Waldemar Toporowski. He wears a black jacket and a white shirt.
    Marketing and Retail Management
    Prof. Dr. Waldemar Toporowski

    “I want to make clear that the value of studying is not the accumulation of existing knowledge. Rather, it is about acquiring the skills to systematically question these findings, to formulate and justify the possible doubts and to find ways to confirm or dispel them.“

Do you have any questions?

Are you wondering whether a study programme at the Faculty of Business and Economics is right for you or do you have questions about the course of studies, placement in a higher semester or recognition of academic achievements? During our office hours, we advise you on site at the Oeconomicum, digitally via BBB and by telephone without prior registration.

Student Advisory Office

+49 551 39-28800 service-center.wiwi.uni-goettingen.de

Oeconomicum, 1st floor, Room 1.135

Portrait photo of the student advisory service. From left: Dorothee Konings wears a turquoise blouse, Dennie Oertel wears a dark blue checked jacket and a white shirt and Anja Schöfer wears a black blazer and a white blouse.