Presentation of the Certificate to Prof. Dr. Beisiegel
From left to right:
Wolfram Lorenz (former coordinator CRC 990 Indonesia), Dr. Uwe Muuss (Director Göttingen International), Prof. Anas Miftah Fauzi (Vice Rector of IPB and Speaker of the Indonesian University Consortium of the CRC 990), Prof. Dr. Beisiegel (President of the University of Göttingen), Prof. Dr. Aulia Tasman (R.I.P.), Prof. Dr. Zulkarnain (Vice Rector IV of Jambi University), Dr. Bambang Irawan (Dean of Faculty of Forestry at UNJA and Coordinator of the CRC 990 in Jambi)

Photo with Prof. Dr. Beisiegel, Dr. Uwe Muuss, Prof. Dr. Anas Fauzi and UNJA's staff
From left to right, first row: Khairinnisa (Faculty of Forestry, UNJA), Viverani Desmera (Staff of the CRC 990 office in Jambi), Dr. Bambang Irawan (Dean of Faculty of Forestry at UNJA and Coordinator of the CRC 990 in Jambi), Prof. Dr. Beisiegel (President of the University of Göttingen), Megawati (Staff of the CRC 990 office in Jambi), Rizky Febrianty (Staff of the CRC 990 office in Jambi)
From left ro right, second row: Robin Naumann (Subproject B11), Meizi Nur Putra (English teacher), Prof. Anas Miftah Fauzi (Vice Rector of IPB and Speaker of the Indonesian University Consortium of the CRC 990), Muhammad Fahrozi (Staff of the CRC 990 office in Jambi), Yuking Linatra (Staff of the CRC 990 office in Jambi), Dr. Uwe Muuss (Director Göttingen International)

Picture President of University of Goettingen with Rector UNJA, Vice Rector, Counterpart, Staff and Guest
From left to right: Prof. Dr. Zulkarnain´s daughter, Prof. Dr. Zulkarnain (Vice Rector IV University of Jambi), Viverani Desmera (Staff of the CRC 990 office in Jambi), Megawati (Staff of the CRC 990 office in Jambi), Yuking Linatra (Staff of the CRC 990 office in Jambi), Rizky Febrianty (Staff of the CRC 990 office in Jambi), Prof. Dr. Beisiegel (President of the University of Göttingen), Dr. Jochen Drescher (Subproject Z02), Prof. Dr. Aulia Tasman (R.I.P.), Dr. Bambang Irawan (Dean of Faculty of Forestry at UNJA and Coordinator of the CRC 990 in Jambi), Dr. Asmadi Saad (UNJA), Wolfram Lorenz (former coordinator CRC 990 Indonesia), Dr. Rosyani (UNJA), Prof. Anas Miftah Fauzi (Vice Rector of IPB and Speaker of the Indonesian University Consortium of the CRC 990)
In the back: Dr. Upik Yelianti (UNJA), Muhammad Fahrozi (Staff of the CRC 990 office in Jambi), Meizi Nur Putra (English teacher), Ahmad Darussalam (Staff of the CRC 990 office in Jambi), Robin Naumann (Subproject B11), Lisa Denmead (Subproject B09)

Discussion between Prof. Dr. Beisiegel and Senate UNJA

Discussion between Prof. Dr. Beisiegel and Senate UNJA

Discussion between Prof. Dr. Beisiegel and Senate UNJA
From left to right: Prof. Dr. Zulkarnain (Vice Rector IV University of Jambi), Prof. Anas Miftah Fauzi (Vice Rector of IPB and Speaker of the Indonesian University Consortium of the CRC 990), Prof. Dr. Beisiegel (President of the University of Göttingen), Dr. Bambang Irawan (Dean of Faculty of Forestry at UNJA and Coordinator of the CRC 990 in Jambi)

Field visit Prof. Dr. Beisiegel and CRC Team in Bungku
From left to right: Dr. Sri Rahayu Utami (University of Brawijaya), Prof. Dr. Zulkarnain (Vice Rector IV University of Jambi), Dr. Bambang Irawan (Dean of Faculty of Forestry at UNJA and Coordinator of the CRC 990 in Jambi), Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Alamsyah (JMB UNJA), Dr. Leti Sundawati (IPB), Dr. Asmadi Saad (UNJA), Dr. Rosyani (UNJA), Dr. Jochen Drescher (Subproject Z02), Prof. Dr. Beisiegel (President of the University of Göttingen), Prof. Anas Miftah Fauzi (Vice Rector of IPB and Speaker of the Indonesian University Consortium of the CRC 990), Dr. Uwe Muuss (Director Göttingen International), Dr. Aiyen Tjoa (University of Tadulako), Wolfram Lorenz (former coordinator CRC 990 Indonesia), Dr. Upik Yelianti(UNJA), Robin Naumann (Subproject B11), Dr. Hamzah (UNJA), Yulnasri (Plot Manager CRC 990 of the Harapan region)

Field visit Prof. Dr. Beisiegel and CRC Team in Bungku
From right to left: Dr. Asmadi Saad (UNJA), Wolfram Lorenz (former coordinator CRC 990 Indonesia), Dr. Uwe Muuss (Director Göttingen International), Prof. Dr. Beisiegel (President of the University of Göttingen), Prof. Dr. Zulkarnain (Vice Rector IV University of Jambi), Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Alamsyah (JMB UNJA), Dr. Bambang Irawan (Dean of Faculty of Forestry at UNJA and Coordinator of the CRC 990 in Jambi), Prof. Anas Miftah Fauzi (Vice Rector of IPB and Speaker of the Indonesian University Consortium of the CRC 990), Dr. Aiyen Tjoa (JMB University of Tadulako), Dr. Rosyani (UNJA)

Field visit Prof. Dr. Beisiegel and CRC Team in Bungku
From right to left: Dr. Upik Yelianti (UNJA), Lisa Denmead (Subproject B09), Prof. Dr. Zulkarnain (Vice Rector IV University of Jambi), Prof. Dr. Beisiegel (President of the University of Göttingen), Dr. Uwe Muuss (Director Göttingen International), Robin Naumann (Subproject B11), Wolfram Lorenz (former coordinator CRC 990 Indonesia), Epriansyah (Driver CRC 990 Jambi), Yulnasri (Plot Manager CRC 990 in the Harapan region), Dr. Hamzah (UNJA), Dr. Bambang Irawan (Dean of Faculty of Forestry at UNJA and Coordinator of the CRC 990 in Jambi), Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Alamsyah (JMB UNJA), (Vice Rector of IPB and Speaker of the Indonesian University Consortium of the CRC 990), Dr. Leti Sundawati (IPB), Dr. Aiyen Tjoa (University of Tadulako)