Eine Gruppe junger Männer und Frauen steht unter rosa blühenden Kirschbäumen und unterhält sich.



What impact do trade barriers have on our lives? How can companies be motivated to save CO₂? And how can financial crises be prevented or mitigated? Find answers to questions like these as an economist for public institutions, management consultancies, banks, insurance companies and large corporations.



Summer and winter semester


6 semesters


Open admission (enrolment without previous application)


German and English


180 Credits


Top ratings in general study situation


How should governments, institutions and businesses decide on economic issues when resources are limited and goals are often conflicting? Our economics degree programme teaches you how to find answers through the analysis and interpretation of data. A special feature is its very international orientation: Areas such as foreign trade, international trade and the economic analysis of developing countries are important focal points. Courses taught in English, including those by guest lecturers, Business English courses, and the possibility of a semester abroad, enhance the international character of the programme. You can also specialise in the areas of development economics, applied statistics and econometrics as well as the economics of globalisation and setting yourself apart through this specialization. The degree qualifies you for the Master's programmes in International Economics and Development Economics as well as Applied Statistics.

  • Orientation phase: Laying the foundations

    The Bachelor's programme in Economics is divided into the orientation phase (1st and 2nd semesters) and the in-depth and specialisation phase (3rd to 6th semester). In the orientation phase, you will gain knowledge of the fundamental problems and solution approaches of business and economics. You will learn important basics of business administration and economics as well as law. You will also learn relevant mathematical and statistical methods.

    60 Credits

  • Economic specialisation: Expanding knowledge

    This study section initially serves to complete the basic education in economics. The six compulsory modules cover essential areas of economics such as economic policy, finance, empirical economic research, growth theory or the analysis of household behaviour.

    36 Credits

  • Advanced economics study: Setting a focus

    Through this area of study, you can tailor your studies to your individual and subject-specific interests and career aspirations. For this purpose, you can freely choose modules from the fields of economics and quantitative methods. A special focus of economics in Göttingen is international economic relations. Therefore, many modules on international economic topics are offered. Among the chosen modules there is at least one seminar which allows you to actively participate in discussions and also deepens your knowledge through interactive activities such as group work or case studies. Please note the following registration and deregistration deadlines for FlexNow. Through the elective options in the second part of the programme, you can also choose a specialisation in the fields of applied statistics and econometrics, development economics or the economics of globalisation. You can have this specialisation shown on your Bachelor's degree certificate if you have completed corresponding modules worth at least 30 credits.

    30 - 36 Credits

  • Business specialisation: getting to know neighbouring disciplines

    Businesses are an integral part of the national economy. By understanding the business content, you can better understand the role of businesses in the overall economy. You will learn how businesses use resources to produce goods and services, create jobs and contribute to economic development.

    12 - 18 Credits

  • Foreign business languages: strengthening key skills

    Its international orientation is a defining feature of our degree programme in Economics. Since language skills are a decisive key skill for being successful in the international environment, this area focuses on foreign business languages with two compulsory modules.

    12 Credits

  • Elective: Thinking outside the box

    In the interdisciplinary elective area, you choose modules from other fields according to your own interests and professional ideas, such as offerings from quantitative methods, business and human resource education, economic and social history or business psychology. They can also bring in language courses that do not deal with German, English or their native language as well as, to a certain extent, modules to strengthen key skills such as communication and leadership skills. In order to gain initial professional experience or to get to know possible relevant professional fields, you can also have a voluntary internship to credited under certain conditions.

    12 - 18 Credits

  • Bachelor's thesis: Applying what you have learned

    The final thesis enables you to apply the knowledge you have acquired and to work on a concrete question within a given time. In it, you combine all the skills you have learned during your studies: Research methods, critical thinking and independence. You select current topics on economic challenges and use, for example, real data as well as quantitative methods of analysis.

    12 Credits

  • Study plan and additional links


  • International orientation

  • Career relevance

  • Career planning

  • Study abroad

In order to take into account the increasingly international economy, our Bachelor's programme is very internationally oriented. Areas such as foreign trade, international trade and the economic analysis of developing countries are important focal points. We offer elective modules in English, taught by our lecturers and guest lecturers. At the same time, our University offers a range of language courses - from beginner to professional level. And for those who would like to spend one or more semesters abroad, there are numerous exchange programmes with partner universities around the world.

Sieben Studierende, zwei Männer und fünf Frauen, sitzen vor der Bibliothek auf dem Rasen und haben alle auf ihre Laptops auf dem Schoß. Der Student links im Bild zeigt der Studentin neben ihr etwas auf seinem Laptop.

You need to be able to apply your knowledge in the real world. Therefore, our modules are designed to establish a link to practice and to smooth your transition into professional life - for example, through guest lectures by industry experts. In addition, you will work on current, practice-relevant issues in your final thesis and use real data for that purpose. In order to apply the knowledge you have learned in practice, you can have a voluntary internship in the elective area credited to you under certain conditions.

Ein Studierender trägt eine Virtual Reality Brille und hält zwei Controller in seinen Händen.

Our Bachelor's programme gives you the opportunity to adapt your studies to your individual development. After all, as you study, your personality grows and you may discover new interests and perhaps change your plans. By choosing elective modules and specialising in a variety of areas such as development economics, applied statistics and econometrics, or economics of globalisation, you also have the opportunity to set yourself apart. In this way, you can give yourself your own profile, which will make it easier for you to enter professional life.

Zwei Studierende, ein Mann und eine Frau, sitzen am Schalter der Studienberatung und werden von einer Frau beraten.

The international orientation of our Bachelor's programme includes many opportunities to study one or two semesters at an international partner university. This is made possible through Erasmus+ as well as global faculty and university programmes. If you go abroad as part of one of the above-mentioned programmes, you usually do not have to pay tuition fees for studying at a foreign partner university. Some programmes even receive additional financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service.

Ein Globus, der auf einem Tisch in der Bibliothek steht.


  • Porträtfoto von Ann-Catrin Gras.

    "I particularly liked the different Courses in the Economics Bachelor's programme that I could choose from. This meant that I could not only specialise in one subject area, but also gain insights into the most diverse areas of Economics. In addition, Economics, especially in the Bachelor's programme, teaches theoretical basics that I really appreciate beyond my everyday studies."

    Ann-Catrin Gras,

    BSc in Economics and MSc in International Economics

  • Porträtfoto von Jan-Niclas Walter. Er trägt eine dunkle Daunenjacke.

    “My interest in economic topics began at school and led me to economics - a subject area characterised by a wide range of topics. The challenge of formalising economic processes and continuously adapting them to global developments keeps my studies lively and interesting. After my bachelor's degree, I would like to do a master's degree in international economics here and also go abroad for a semester. Thanks to the wide range of specialisations, my degree also opens up numerous career paths for me.”

    Jan-Niclas Walter,

    bachelor's programme in economics

  • Porträtfoto von Pascal Mayer.

    "I think the Faculty of Business and Economics is very well positioned. Questions are answered very quickly and if you need help, there is always a contact person. In addition, the economics and social sciences library is well equipped and you can almost always find a place to study in peace."

    Pascal Mayer,

    BSc in Economics and MSc in International Economics

  • Porträtfoto von Johann Tegtmeyer.

    "Studies prepares you for everyday practice, especially through methodologies related to systematic analysis and logical thinking. You learn to think through and analyse facts and to derive correct actions from the analysis and, in particular, to reproduce and visualise them correctly."

    Johann Tegtmeyer,

    Senior Business Consultant, BearingPoint GmbH

How to apply

Three simple steps to enrolment to the faculty

  • 1.

    Open admisssion degree programmes: You can enrol in these degree programmes without prior application. Enter your personal data in the application and enrolment portal of the University of Göttingen and provide information about your desired degree programme.

  • 2.

    Upload the documents required for enrolment and submit the application. You can then complete your online enrolment by entering additional data.

  • 3.

    After you have transferred the semester fees to the university, you will receive a confirmation with information about your enrolment as well as your student ID and your semester ticket by email.

Register now!

We accompany you through your studies

Your teaching team (selection)

  • Portrait photo of Krisztina Kis-Katos. She is wearing a white shirt.
    International Economic Policy
    Prof. Dr. Krisztina Kis-Katos

    „In the lecture hall, learning does not happen by simply listening, but only when students "play along": Think along, ask questions, answer questions and join in the discussion. This interaction of the teaching conversation and the occasional "aha" experience when I have been able to convey something new and perhaps unexpected gives me pleasure.“

  • Portrait photo of Kilian Bizer. He is wearing a white shirt.
    Economic Policy and SME Research
    Prof. Dr. Kilian Bizer

    "Curious questions and open dialogues about incentives and barriers open up the economic policy path to transformation, which cannot succeed without economic thinking. Joint reflection based on economic models complemented by other social science approaches to develop concrete economic policy measures is the goal of my teaching."

  • Portrait photo of Claudia Keser.
    Prof. Dr. Claudia Keser

    “Tell me and I will forget. Show me, and I may keep it. Let me do it, and I will be able to (Confucius) - this is the leitmotif for my teaching.”

  • Portrait photo of Thomas Kneib. He is wearing a wine-red T-shirt.
    Prof. Dr. Thomas Kneib

    "As a statistician, I am responsible for essential parts of the quantitative education of Bachelor's and Master's students in our faculty. In all areas, it is important to me to awaken enthusiasm for statistical methods by enabling students to acquire a deeper understanding of the theoretical aspects through practical applications and to implement them themselves in the context of statistical programming."

  • Portrait photo of Robert Schwager. He is wearing a blue jacket and a light blue shirt.
    Public Economics
    Prof. Dr. Robert Schwager

    “Finance deals with the basic question of society: What are the tasks of the state, is it too weak or too powerful, are taxes too high or too low? Where should the line be drawn between freedom and welfare, individual responsibility and security, individual rights and community claims?“

  • Portrait photo of Tino Berger. He is wearing a blue shirt.
    Empirical International Economics
    Prof. Dr. Tino Berger

    "A little bit of education adorns the whole person." (Heinrich Heine)

Do you have any questions?

Are you wondering whether a study programme at the Faculty of Business and Economics is right for you or do you have questions about the course of studies, placement in a higher semester or recognition of academic achievements? During our office hours, we advise you on site at the Oeconomicum, digitally via BBB and by telephone without prior registration.

Student Advisory Office

+49 551 39-28800 service-center.wiwi.uni-goettingen.de

Oeconomicum, 1st floor, Room 1.135

Portrait photo of the student advisory service. From left: Dorothee Konings wears a turquoise blouse, Dennie Oertel wears a dark blue checked jacket and a white shirt and Anja Schöfer wears a black blazer and a white blouse.