Schritt 1 Ankommen: "Wann muss ich wo hin?"

When does the semester start?
The winter semester at Göttingen University always begins on 1 October, the summer semester starts on 1 April. The lecture period, on the other hand, starts a few weeks later.
On this page you will find the exact
dates and deadlines for each semester.
Here you will also see that there is a "re-registration period" in each semester. This is the period in which you inform the university that you wish to continue your studies with us by paying the semester fees.

Am I required to take preparatory courses?
Many subjects – especially in the fields of natural sciences, economic sciences and life sciences – offer preparatory courses („Propädeutika“).
Please note: the preparatory courses normally take place some time before the beginning of the lecture period! Therefore you should make a note of the courses which interest you well ahead of time, so that you can include them in your planning for moving to Göttingen.
These courses are designed to help prospective students master the transition from learning at school to learning, working and conducting research at a university.They provide an important first step towards a successful beginning of studies.
On the page below you will find an overview of all preparatory courses available. In many cases you can enrol directly via an online portal on the website of your preparatory course.
Pre-Courses/ „Propädeutika“

When are my O-days?
The orientation days (abbreviation: O-days) are usually held before the courses begin. In order to take part, it is advisable to arrive in Göttingen ahead of time, since the O-days (German: „O-Phase“ short for „Orientierungsphase“) are something you should not on any account miss when starting into your first semester.
... Separate O-days are held for every subject, and they are mostly organised by students of that subject. They will provide you with first-hand information about your subject, the University and life in Göttingen. The fun side is certainly not neglected either, since meeting other first-semester students is just as much a part of the O-days as explaining the examination regulations.
The O-days normally take place one or two weeks prior to the lecture period („Vorlesungsbeginn“). The organisation of these events is often on short notice. Therefore we can’t present you all the concrete offers on this page. But no matter when the details are published: you can rest assured that our student groups, subjects and faculties are going to plan for an fun event to help you arrive successfully at our University.
For more info go to the website "Studienfächer von A-Z", select your subject and find the information (by early/mid-October at the latest respectively April) under "orientation events".

Enrolment ceremony
On 21.October 2024 the official welcome ceremony for all first-year students in 2024 will take place.
Website of the Enrolment Ceremony
Where can I find further information and introductory events for international students?
On this page we have compiled interesting information for our international students. Go to this page for info onintroductory events for international students.

"At what time do I have to get to Göttingen?" "Do I have to register for classes now?" - Do you still have unanswered questions? We have put together a FAQ for you here
Answer: We recommend that you first check whether preliminary courses are offered for your degree programme or if there are introductiory events for international students that you are interested in (see above). If this is not the case, it is sufficient to move to Göttingen in time for the start of the orientation phase. However, many first-year students also like to move to Göttingen at the beginning of October or in September in order to settle in and get to know the city and its surroundings.
Question: Do I already have to register for courses? Answer: Usually, the first semester is organised in such a way that you will learn how to make your timetable and register for events during the O-Phase. If it is different for your degree programme, your faculty will contact you in good time and tell you how to proceed.
Go to the next step: Student ID and online systems