In publica commoda

Europäische Struktur- und Investitionsfonds (ESIF, ab 2021)

Ko-finanzierte ESIF-Projekte

Unser Team bietet Ihnen auf dieser Internetseite Informationen zu den durch ESIF geförderten Verbundprojekten an der Universität Göttingen (Stand: 11.05.2023). Für die Stichwortsuche nutzen Sie bitte die Suchleiste.

Max Krott, Forest and Nature Conservation Policy and Forest History

Project title:
Managing prOtective foreSt fAcIng clImate Change compound events

Climate change (CC) is undeniably responsible for the increase in climate-related disasters affecting Alpine communities. These phenomena are often the result of compound events, a combination of multiple climate-related hazards that contribute to socio-ecological risks. One of the key drivers of the increased vulnerability are changes in forest ecosystems.

Forests provide essential ecosystem services that support human well-being and play a critical role in the mitigation of CC, but their health and stability are also threatened by CC. Therefore, MOSAIC focuses on hazard-resilient and sustainable protective forest management coping with climate changes’ multiple dimensions, which is essential for managing climate-related risks. In order to support regional and Alpine climate action plans, the project aims to collect, harmonize and share data, models on Alpine climate-related disasters and trends. The project partners strive to raise awareness among foresters, risk managers, decision makers and the public through an Alpine network of forest living labs.
Further information