BSc/BA Theses
Timo Pospiech (AG Quadt) Automatisation of the ITk-Pixel FELIX Read-out Chain Stress Test II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2024/03 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2024-134) |
Nico Schiel (AG Quadt) Exploring Quantum Entanglement in Dileptonic H → W W ∗ Final States with ATLAS at √s = 13 TeV II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2024/04 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2024-129) |
Niklas Grün (AG Quadt) Test with Modules for the ATLAS ITk Pixel Detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2023/09 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2024-034) |
Monja Begau (AG Lai) Acceptance Challenge of the X→SH→bbWW Run-3 Analysis in the 1-Lepton Decay Channel and Split-Boosted Topology at ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2024/01 |
Tobias Henne (AG Quadt) Parton shower modelling uncertainty studies in entangled lepton+jets tt final states II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2023/07 |
Stine Gerlach (AG Quadt) Studien zum Nutzerverhalten des physikalischen Adventskalenders „PiA - Physik im Advent“ II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2023/06 |
Siemen Aulich (AG Quadt) Accessing Quantum Entanglement in off-shell H* → ZZ with Separation of Polarisation States II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2023/05 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2023-153) |
Richard Murk (AG Quadt) Praktikumsexperimente zum Compton-Effekt mit Röntgenröhren II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2023/04 |
Peer Christian Drescher (AG Lai) Signal/Background separation in resonant boosted HH and SH production in the bbVV* decay channel with 1-lepton in the final state II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2023/02 |
Zobeyer Ghafoor (AG Lai) Study of the modelling of the W+jets background in the HH/SH → bbVV* decay channel with one lepton in the final state using the ATLAS detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2023/01 |
Tim Schlömer (AG Quadt) Sensitivity studies of effective field theory operators in trileptonic tZq final states II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2022/07 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2022-275) |
Kia-Jüng Yang (AG Quadt) Studies of the simultaneous measurement of the associated production of single top quarks and top quark pairs with a Z boson in trileptonic final states with ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2022/06 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2022-267) |
Daniel Werner (AG Quadt) Studies of the top quark polarisation in trileptonic tZq final states with ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2022/05 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2022-340) |
Theresa Reisch (AG Quadt) Sensitivity Study for the Observation of Spin Correlations in the tt → lepton+jets channel II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2022/04 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2022-251) |
Dennis Rodermund (AG Quadt) Investigation of a new approach for truth tagging within the ttH(bb) analysis via a graph neural network II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2022/03 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2022-254) |
Ireas Raschke (AG Quadt) Studies of simultaneous measurements of top quark pair production associated with an off-shell Z-/W-boson in the trileptonic channel with ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2022/02 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2022-252) |
Konrad Helms (AG Quadt) Classification of signal and background in associated ttH production via a multi-class neural network II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2021/05 |
Carla Neubert (AG Lai) Investigation of shower shape variables in the ATLAS Fast Calorimeter Simulation II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2021/03 |
Janne van den Hout (AG Lai) Investigation of systematic uncertainties in the search for resonant di-Higgs production in the bbWW* decay channel II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2021/02 |
Titus Czajka (AG Quadt) Classification of the tt + jets events in Monte Carlo simulations II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2021/01 |
Dirk Neumann (AG Quadt) Deep Neural Network Extension to Kinematic Likelihood Fitter (co-supervised by Prof. Dr. A. Quadt, submitted to Hochschule Harz in partial fulfilment of the BSc programme in computer science) Hochschule Harz, BA AI 53 2020, available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2020-189 |
Anne Gaa (AG Lai) Background studies in the search for heavy Higgs bosons decaying to two tau leptons in √s = 13 TeV pp-collisions at ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2020/08 |
Yannik Buch (AG Lai) Neutrino reconstruction using machine learning techniques for the boosted resonant HH → bbWW* search at ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2020/07 |
Sven Meienberg (AG Lai) Studies on Alternative Signal Hypotheses in the Search for Heavy Resonances to the Di-tau Final State in √s = 13 TeV pp-collisions at ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2020/06 |
André Wilhahn (AG Lai) Signal Extraction Studies in the Search for Higgs Boson Pair Production in the bbττ Decay Channel with ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2020/05 |
Johannes Weller (AG Quadt) Characterisation of Pixel Sensors for the ATLAS ITk Upgrade II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2020/04 |
Jun Huang (AG Quadt) Study of modelling uncertainties in tt pair production at the ATLAS experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2020/03 |
Gesine Grubert (AG Quadt) Optimising neuronal networks to study effective field theories in ttγ production with the ATLAS experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2020/02 |
Matthias Drescher (AG Quadt) Development of a software application for I2C configuring of the CERN lpGBT chips for the ATLAS LHC detector readout electronics II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2020/01 |
Max Mahn (AG Quadt) Praktikumsexperimente mit der Röntgenröhre II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2019/06 (final thesis not submitted) |
Marcel Kramer (AG Quadt) Weiterentwicklung eines Experimentes zur Messung des Spins (g − 2)μ kosmischer Myonen II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2019/05 |
Richard Schröter (AG Lai) Studien zu der Tau Trigger Effizienz am ATLAS Detektor II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2019/04 |
Vanessa Grauer (AG Lai) Investigation of Z + heavy flavour Background in the HH → bbτ+τ − Search at the ATLAS Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2019/03 |
Jan Filipe Lehmann (AG Quadt) Kinematische Rekonstruktion von Top-Quark-Paar-Ereignissen in Assoziation mit einem Higgs-Boson mit dem Atlas-Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2019/02 |
Tomke Schröer (AG Quadt) Studien zu Untergründen mit prompten Photonen für die Analyse von tt + Photon-Ereignissen mit dem ATLAS-Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2019/01 |
Moritz Habbaba (AG Quadt) Testanalyse von Pixel-Detektoren für ATLAS upgrade II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2018/08 |
Charlotte Kappler (AG Lai) Reconstruction of Neutrino Reconstruction Algorithm in HH → bbWW* Events with the ATLAS Detector final thesis not submitted |
Pascal Herrmann (AG Quadt) Studies of the tt + γ production process with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2018/06 |
Joey Kalis (AG Quadt) Studies of top quark and photon coupling with the ATLAS experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2018/05 |
Maximilian Kurjahn (AG Quadt) Kinematic Reconstruction of tt Events in the Dileptonic Final State II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2018/04 |
Timon Vogt (AG Quadt) Development of an app for the HappyFace project II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2018/03 |
Noreen Rauls (AG Quadt) Energie-Asymmetrie von Top-Quark-Paaren mit dem ATLAS-Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2018/02 |
Timo Hüser (AG Quadt) Module tests for the ATLAS pixel detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2018/01 |
Tobias Moritz (AG Quadt) Studies for the measurement of the tt + gamma process with ATLAS at LHC final thesis not submitted |
Joshua Beirer (AG Lai) Search for di-Higgs production in the γγWW* decay channel in the boosted topology II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2017/04 |
Steffen Korn (AG Quadt) Studium durch Ionenstrahlen hervorgerufener induzierter Ladung in Halbleiterpixeldetektoren II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2017/03 |
Maria Mironova (AG Quadt) Implementation of a Threshold Tuning Algorithm for Silicon and Diamond Pixel Detectors II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2017/02 |
Wolf Welling (AG Quadt) Derivation of Transfer Functions for KLFitter at √s = 13 TeV at the ATLAS Detector final thesis not submitted |
Christina Reißel (AG Quadt) Monte Carlo simulation and analysis of the ttH process with the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2016/11 |
Jonas Rötter (AG Quadt) Simulation von Teststrahlmessungen mit Pixeldetektoren für das Atlas Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2016/09 |
Alejandra Renee Pillado Gonzalez (AG Lai) Optimization of the Electron Veto for the identification of hadronically decaying Tau leptons with the ATLAS detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2016/08 |
Paul Konstantin Krug (AG Quadt) Studies on the CP-quantum numbers of the Higgs boson II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2016/07 |
Kieran Amos (AG Lai) Investigation of W → qq' Reconstruction using large-R jets in hh → WWγγ events with the ATLAS detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2016/06 |
Marike Schwickardi (AG Quadt) Charakterisierung neuer Pixeldetektoren II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2016/05 |
Marcel Niemeyer (AG Quadt) Evaluation of systematic uncertainties for a direct Top Quark decay width measurement in the tt 🠒 lepton+jets-channel at ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2016/04 |
Nils Gillwald (AG Lai) Optimization of Jet Background Suppression for the Identification of Hadronically Decaying Tau Leptons with the ATLAS Detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2016/03 |
Kevin Moor (AG Quadt) Erarbeitung eines Messkonzeptes des schwachen Isospins des Top-Quarks durch die Analyse des ttZ Vertex beim ATLAS-Detektor II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2016/02 |
Marie Reinecke (AG Quadt) Neutrino Reconstruction with KLFitter II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/14 |
Philip Marszal (AG Quadt) Composite Service Status Identification in SOA-based Infrastructures II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/13 (final thesis not submitted) |
Lino Gerlach (AG Quadt) Update of HappyFace modules for Atlas II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/12 |
Tobias Fitschen (AG Quadt) Implementation of jet charge for the dileptonic tt reconstruction II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/11 |
Andreas Achim Kirchhoff (AG Quadt) Implementierung eines 2-dimensionalen Fits zur Messung der Top-Quark-Breite II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/10 |
Jakob Schneider (AG Quadt) Derivation of transfer functions for the KLFitter using Monte Carlo Simulation for the Run II of the LHC II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/09 (final thesis not submitted) |
Tobias Westphal (AG Quadt) Test measurements with active pixel sensors for the upgrade of the ATLAS pixel detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/08 |
Kira Abeling (AG Lai) Optimierung von VBF für H → γγ in 13 TeV Proton-Kollisionen am ATLAS-Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/07 |
Wolfgang Stauber (AG Quadt) Event classification for the ttZ and ttW measurements using Multivariate analyses II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/06 (final thesis not submitted) |
Christian Gobert (AG Quadt) Development of a test system for the readout chip of the ATLAS pixel detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/05 (final thesis not submitted) |
Aline Leun (AG Quadt) Messtechnische Analyse eines neuartigen Topographiesensors auf Basis der Weißlichtinterferometrie II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/03 |
Simon Koch (AG Quadt) Studien zur Rekonstruktion von Top-Quark-Paaren mittels eines kinematischen Likelihood Fits II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2015/02 |
Daniel Busse (AG Quadt) Ausarbeitung eines Pixeldetektor-Versuchs für didaktische Zwecke II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2014/11 |
Julia Rudnik (AG Quadt) Entwicklung eines Schülerversuches zur Mechanik mit CurricuLAB von PHYWE II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2014/10 (final thesis not submitted) |
Fabian Kukuck (AG Quadt) Creating and Publishing a new Smart Phone Application for the HappyFace Meta-Monitoring-Tool II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2014/09 |
Art Gabriel (AG Quadt) A study of the di-tau invariant mass reconstruction techniques in ATLAS at LHC II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2014/08 |
Fabian Sohns (AG Quadt) Efficiency Measurements with Module Prototypes for the ATLAS Pixel Detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2014/07 |
Jens Oltmanns (AG Quadt) Studies of top-quark pairs in √s = 8 TeV data collected with the ATLAS experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2014/06 |
Felix Wiebe (AG Quadt) Analysis of pp 🠒 ttH Events II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2014/05 |
Timo Dreyer (AG Quadt) ttH Production at LHC II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2014/04 |
Eric Buschmann (AG Quadt) Module developments on the Happy Face project for the ATLAS Grid Computing II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2014/02 |
Knut Zoch (AG Quadt) Feasibility Studies of Direct Measurements of the Top Quark Decay Width II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2014/01 |
Sebastian Skorzinski (AG Quadt) Entwicklung eines LHC Infoterminals II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2013/11 |
Helge Christoph Beck (AG Quadt) Charakterisierung von Graphitelektroden in Diamant II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2013/10 |
Alexander Sydorenko (AG Quadt) Massenrekonstruktionsalgorithmen im Kontext des H 🠒 τ+τ − Zerfalls zu dileptonischen Endzuständen II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2013/09 |
André Wilmar (AG Quadt) Entwicklung eines Demonstrationsexperiments zur Messung von (g − 2)Myon II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2013/08 |
Jost Kollmeier (AG Quadt) Growth of Graphitecolumns in Diamond via Femtosecond Laser II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2013/07 |
Björn Klaas (AG Quadt) Time-resolved Measurement of a radioactive Source using a Trigger Logic Unit II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2013/06 |
Lukas Weise (AG Quadt) Setzen von Ausschlussgrenzen im Kontextes H 🠒 ττ Zerfalls zu dileptonischen Endzuständen II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2013/04 |
Konstantin Lehmann (AG Quadt) Implementation of the support of arbitrary pixel geometries in an existing testbeam analysis framework II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2013/03 |
Maxim Tschernajew (AG Quadt) Charge generation with a laser and charge collection in a silicon pixel detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2012/09 |
Alrik Stegmaier (AG Quadt) Testing And Programming Of A Data Aquisition Component For The New ATLAS Pixel Detector Front-End Electronics II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2012/08 |
Lilly Wüst (AG Quadt) An investigation of the central Jetveto in the Higgs-production by vector-boson-fusion with ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2012/07 |
Dominik Müller (AG Quadt) Studies on the Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the Dileptonic Channel at the ATLAS Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2012/03 |
Mattia Donzelli (AG Quadt) Studies of in-time charge measurement with the read-out chip of the first upgrade stage of the ATLAS Pixel Detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2012/01 |
Fritz Pasternok (AG Quadt) Studies of Systematic Uncertainties of Transfer Functions used in the KLFitter for Top Quark Reconstruction II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/14 |
Stephanie Schöning (AG Quadt) Composition of a Pixel Detector Experiment for Educational Purposes II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/13 |
Maike Jekel (AG Quadt) Development of a concept for the Kamiokanne experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/12 |
Johannes Agricola (AG Quadt) Development And Programming Of A Data Aquisition Component For The New ATLAS Pixel Detector Front-End Electronics II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/10 |
Robert Schacht (AG Quadt) Ausarbeitung von Schülerexperimenten an der Nebelkammer II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/08 |
Pascal Hugo (AG Quadt) Development of an experiment for the measurement of the spin (g − 2)μ of cosmic muons II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/07 |
Christian Wehrberger (AG Quadt) Hotfile and Bottleneck Recognition in the dCache System II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/06 |
Georg Jahn (AG Quadt) Meta-Monitoring of the Grid Resource Centre GoeGrid with HappyFace II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/05 |
Steffen Henkelmann (AG Quadt) Search for heavy gauge bosons at ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/04 |
Benjamin Willenberg (AG Quadt) On the Response of an OST to Second Sound II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/03 |
Cora Fischer (AG Quadt) A data-driven estimate of the W + jets background for W-helicity studies at the ATLAS experiment II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/02 |
Silvan Kuttimalai (AG Quadt) Studies in search for long-lived Supersymmetric Particles with the ATLAS Detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2011/01 |
Eric Drechsler (AG Quadt) Search for Supersymmetry at LHC: Studies of Background in Multilepton Final States II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2010/10 |
Julia Rieger (AG Quadt) Measurement of Operational Stability of the ATLAS Pixel Read-Out Chip at low Threshold II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2010/09 |
Benjamin Schröder (AG Quadt) Experiments on second sound using OST and heat spot II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2010/08 |
Benjamin von Ardenne (AG Quadt) Development of new data transmission methods for the read-out system of the ATLAS Pixel Detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2010/06 |
Timo Nachstedt (AG Quadt) Reconstruction of Z and Higgs Bosons in Tau final states with the ATLAS detector II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2010/05 |
Jens Dietert (AG Quadt) Construction of a mobile detector system for measurements of cosmic muons II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2010/04 |
Chris Delitzsch (AG Quadt) Studies of Systematic Uncertainties and Choice of Variables in Measurements of the W-Helicity in Top Events II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2010/03 |
Philipp Stolte (AG Quadt) b-tagging in order to improve the top quark reconstruction II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2010/02 |
Sven Ebert (AG Quadt) Signal and Background Studies of Top-Antitop Decay with a Kinematic Likelihood Fitter II.Physik-UniGö-BSc-2010/01 |
Frauke Mühring (AG Quadt) Entwicklung eines Schülerexperiments im Bereich ionisierender Strahlung in einer Nebelkammer II.Physik-UniGö-Bach-2009/10 |
Alexander Runde (AG Quadt) Reconstruction of the higgs boson mass in final states with leptonically and hadronically decaying tau leptons with ATLAS at the LHC II.Physik-UniGö-Bach-2009/09 |
Hans Weger (AG Quadt) Calibration of a photomultiplier tube for the detection of cosmic myons using the Cherenkov-Effect II.Physik-UniGö-Bach-2009/08 |
Elina Fuchs (AG Quadt) Studies for the Identification of Top-Antitop-Pairs with a variable global Jet Energy Scale at ATLAS/LHC II.Physik-UniGö-Bach-2009/07 |
Jannik Hofestaedt (AG Quadt) Monte Carlo studies of the inverse problem: determination of the mass of the lightest supersymmetric particle with ATLAS at the LHC II.Physik-UniGö-Bach-2009/06 |
Lars Graber (AG Quadt) Analysis of production measurements with modules of the ATLAS Pixel Detector II.Physik-UniGö-Bach-2009/05 |
Hannes Vennekate (AG Quadt) Second Sound as Cavity Diagnostic Tool II.Physik-UniGö-Bach-2009/04 |
Carsten Brachem (AG Quadt) Implementation and test of a simulated annealing algorithm in the Bayesian Analysis Toolkit (BAT) II.Physik-UniGö-Bach-2009/03 |
Henrike Fleischhack (AG Quadt) Studies for the Measurement of the tT Production Cross Section in the Lepton+Jets Channel with ATLAS at the LHC II.Physik-UniGö-Bach-2009/02 |
Tristan Koppe (AG Quadt) Improvement of the readout electronics of photomultipliers for the Bachelor lab experiment E4 (Kamiokanne) II.Physik-UniGö-Bach-2009/01 |